4th cycle

Hi everyone. Just wondering if anyone can help! Feel so ill after having T part of FEC. Had treatment on 28th February.3days later started with diarroea. Even the smallest amount of food goes straight through me an hour or two later. Currently taking 7 loperamide a day & it’s not helping . Spent most of Thursday in hospital on saline drip & have been given Nystatin for thrush in throat & Phosphate tabs as levels low! (Not surprising if everything is going through me) Hospital said don’t take more than max loperamide advised. I’m buying all this healthy food & bh cooking me nice meals but it’s a total waste !! Nurse said it will be the docataxel that’s causing it. Anyone else having this problem? Dreading 5th cycle?been housebound since 28th. How can I even think about walking !! Rant over , sorry all!!

Hi Grannysue.  Can’t help with any advice at this stage as I am not due to start T until next week, having had my three cycles of Fec.  I would suggest you come over to the chemo monthly threads, January starters as several of the ladies there have had T and may well be able to offer you advice.  Super friendly bunch ?

Thanks for the comment. Will have a look.?