4th visit to the breast clinic

Next week will be my 4th visit to my local Breast clinic. Last last year I visited my doctor with slight underarm pains and a little lump I had found on my breast. She immediately referred to me to hospital, I didn’t panic as I was only 22 at the time. 3 visits later, various testing I was told there was nothing to worry about and that the lump would simply “go away”.
A year has now passed and just last week I was back at my doctors again with the same problem. Except this time the “lump” has grown in size dramatically and the pain I am feeling in the actual breast and nipple area is unreal and at times keeps me awake at night!
Today I recieved my appointment to go to hospital next week. With no family history Im just looking for some advice and someone to talk to about it.

Hello Linda1412

Welcome to the forums.  This must be very difficult time for you, I’m sure other users will be along to support you soon.

In the meantime, maybe you would like to talk things through with a member of our helpline staff who are there to offer practical information as well as emotional support. The free phone number is 0808 800 6000 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9.00 to 5.00 and Saturday 10.00 to 2.00.

With best wishes

June, moderator

I would not worry too much,I went two weeks ago with a large lump in right breast and had mammogram ultrasound biopsy,mine is a fibroadanoma non malignant,I have decided to get it out as sometimes it is uncomfortable!
Good luck Shar x

That’s what I had done the last 3 times! This time it feels so different, getting it removed would hopefully ease the pain and more importantly make me feel better about it all! Thanks for replying :slight_smile: xx