I’ve just been given a date to start radiotherapy which I’m pleased about as I’m not the best at waiting.
It’s going to be 5 days starting on a Wednesday, with Saturday and Sunday off.
I thought it had to be 5 consecutive days??
Will it be as effective?
Appreciate anyones thoughts on this and if anybody has had the same.
Thanks xx
Mine is going to be the same, starting in a few weeks. Im think I read they might have to have a break if the machine is having some maintenance done there will be no treatment that day, but will still receive the same dose.
I assumed it would be Monday- Friday but I start on a Tuesday.
Hi there….I’ve never heard of anyone getting planned radiotherapy over the weekend……if you start on a Tuesday…you finish on a Monday……and so on….it’s very normal.
Same as me.they said it was ok , and have even cancelled Monday .So I had Thursday-friday and now tues -wed-thurdsday .I am sure they know what thy are doing .trust them !