5 weeks post surgery

Hey all, I am 5 weeks post surgery for a double masectomy and 10 weeks from last chemo. I had the all clear over a week ago and require no further treatment.

After the initial fab news, elation and sharing the news with my loved ones, I was feeling good and had gradually been building up my staminar by walking lots!

Suddenly however I’ve lost my energy and have felt very tired, almost like I did through chemo, even down to the bad taste and peripheral neuropathy. Is this normal? I don’t want to become paranoid and be forever thinking somethings wrong with me.

Dear Nicki,

Firstly, congratulations after just 5 weeks, up and about taking walks, very well done to you brave lady. 

I’m thinking what you have been through, it’s only natural how you are feeling, good results always leave us on a high, which is wonderful, however your body has taken a big knock and needs to heal. So pleased to hear no further treatment needed. Please take care one day at a time, rest and relax. Time to enjoy life, as I always say one day at a time.

I can remember feeling the same trying to run before I could walk.

Sending lots of happiness to you, keep well and safe. Big hugs Tili x