Couldn’t have come at worse time, but my OH went down with the lurgy last weekend and has passed it on to me just in time for my 50th tomorrow! What an absolute rotter eh? I’ve got a throat that feels like somebody has rubbed a bit of rough tree bark on it, aches and pains, a cough and a temperature. Then there’s the constipation (although OH assures me by day 3 you are never off the loo). Been in bed since yesterday afternoon as I had to give up on work for the day. Had to cancel my hair appointment this morning as well.
Just to add to the misery, I’ve only got half a bathroom. It was ripped out on Monday and should have been finished today. Unfortunately the wall panel supplier omitted to send part of my plumber’s order with the courier. Of course, it was my part! All I’ve got is an unsecured toilet, a bath, new lights and bare walls; won’t be finished till Tuesday as they have to do the walls first.
Bang goes my idea of having champagne lying in my new bathroom looking like Joan Collins in Dynasty. Looks like it’s the Eurovision Song Contest in bed instead. A mate of ours has told my OH he will have to pay for giving me this for the rest of the year now lol! Just hope I get a fabby present…
…although in truth, I’m just grateful I’m still here to see 50 so everything else is a bit insignificant really.
Have told OH I want a huge bag of choccy raisins tonight, chuckin’ my usually healthy diet outta the window for a couple of days until I feel better! I will make him attend to my every whim for giving me this
eee lass sos orry to hear you are poorly for your big 50! I was too - I was 50 on halloween last eyar - had JUST finished treatment and decided (WHY) to start jogging which I hadn’t done since I was 30…I got shocking knee pain, later diagnosed as housemade’s knee, or just your knee thiningies not working propoerly and rubbing together -I was on so many pain killers it was unreal -
everyone else had a good dance!
Mu mum used to say bubbles in a drink made her feel better if she had a cold etc - hope it works for you,
bw Nicola
Well make sure they look after you Cherub tonight and you are laid back on the sofa or in bed watching the Eurovision, and OH is feeding you those rasins…though to eat rasins when the outlook for the bug is being chained to the loo …maybe not a good idea ha ha and you watch you don’t rock about on that unsecure loo. Happy Birthday for tomorrow xx
…and Nicola…I laughed out loud at you taking up jogging after 20 years…not because you were doing it at 50 but …just as you finished treatment you crazy moo you…
… well there must be something going round because i feel poo, i have had a flush that seems to have lasted all day, and my lympho arm is about to burst out of its sleeve …so no friday night drinky poos for me as i haven’t been out and the cupboard is bear, but i could hit the sloe gin…mmmhhhh
Hi Cherub (you’re a blast from the past I remember you posting 4 years ago!)
Sorry to hear that you aren’t well! Hope that you have a great birthday…just defer the celebrations until you are able to appreciate them and make sure that there are plenty of them.
We had to postpone my mother’s 80th birthday celebration last year because the snow stopped most of the family getting there. The solution was a very low key celebration for her on the day and a later Official Birthday with a big celebration. Perhaps you should have an Official Birthday?
Yep, we have pretty much decided I’ll have an official birthday like Her Maj, also we’re trying to fit a nice trip in later in the year for our silver wedding.
The bathroom going over schedule is pants as I’ve got a new kitchen coming on the 25th, so more disruption. We just figured we needed to get both out of the way one after the other as we work from home, hence major disruption is difficult for us. I have to organise getting rid of the dining room furniture next week as there is a partition wall to be removed.
The way I’m feeling at the mo, I wish I hadn’t started now. It should have all been done prior to Christmas 2010 but we got let down by the builder who was originally doing the work. Now we’ve got somebody else in place.
We finally finished decorating our new kitchen over Easter (3 years from when it was installed!).
Also had to move dining room furniture at the time as 2 rooms knocked into one to give large kitchen; however since we had dining table we had moved the shed to different side of garden restricting the gate. Result table no longer fitted through for us to put in garage!
Solution; intrepid neighbour running up & down our close with tape measure to locate gate it would fit through. Worked quite well & got to know some more neighbours who also helped to carry the darn heavy glass top table.
A few days later a note through door from someone else; they liked table could I let them know where we bought it!
The return trip even more eventful as car parked by said gate; glad it wasn’t my car when they lifted it over the top. I was busy trying to find insurance document just in case!
I could just see it; car damaged as dining table fell on it!
Hope bathroom/kitchen coming along & your feeling better. I’ve reached end of my treatment thankfully; now onto monitoring for 5 years. I didn’t need chemo or hormone tabs. Surgery & RT have I hope sorted my DCIS out.
Still in bed, OH here as well as he’s still feeling ropey - his dose of this was worse than mines. He gave me an Amazon Kindle with 3G Wi Fi, so I have a lovely new toy for entertainment. Just as well, because he is foisting the FA Cup on me at the moment!
Can’t wait to be well enough to celebrate, it’s a nice day here so it would have been lovely to have been out somewhere nice. Never mind. To add to the depression a friend of mines who turns 70 next month sent me a letter today wishing me a happy birthday and telling me when it was his 50th he went to see a performance of Mozart’s Requiem because that was the way he felt about his age at the time. I’ve texted him to say I’m fed up, but not to that extent
if your lurgy is the same as mine/ours its at least a five -weeker I kid you not. 1 week of constant painkillers (throat) and 4 weeks of the wost possible catarrh. Being 50 is a mixed chalice but all celebratory wishes all the same!!