Hi everyone, I used to post here very regularly back in 04/05 but have just returned to ask a question and had to re-register. I had treatment for bc back in 04 and have just had my 4th ‘anniversary’ - so far so good!

Apologies if this has been discussed before. I can’t find anything via search.

Has anyone experience of taking the over-the-counter supplement 5htp? I’ve been reading a lot about it and it seems to be good for
A) weight loss
B) menopausal symptoms
C) mood swings/depression

…in other words, the terrible Tamoxifen trio! The menopausal symptoms have always been and continue to be particularly bad for me and I’ve gained 4stone in weight - lovely.

However, I don’t really like to dabble in anything that might affect the effectiveness of the Tamoxifen. Anyone had any discussions with oncs about it? I know mine will just blank me if I ask.

Hi Sharon

Welcome back to the forums. You are welcome to send in your query to our team of specialist nurses via our ‘Ask the nurse’ service which you can find under the ‘Support for you’ tab at the top of this page, alternatively, you can call our helpline on 0808 800 6000 which opens Mon-Fri 9am-5pm and Sat 9am-2pm.

Best wishes

Hi Sharon

I dont know if this will help.

I looked it up because I have severe menopausal symptoms anyway. I am not suffering with BC but abnormal cells were found last year so cannot have HRT. I might ask my doc about this though as for about 3 years my symptoms are very bad, (migraines, severe flushes I even developed an allergy to nuts, I also wake around 4/5 times a night) so these sound great.

Hope this helps
Yvonne x