5yrs post partners BC and I'm ready to leave

Hi everyone,

So it’s nearly 5yrs post my partners bilateral BC and the moods, the irritability and the constant “you xyz” are destroying our marriage. She’s refusing all help. I want my happy marriage back.

We have one beautiful boy, 15 months.

Thank you in advance,


Hi ISC, I understand how hard it is for partners but your wife has been though so much and then a baby on top, maybe she could be suffering with a bit of Post natal depression too? From the other side of the coin as the wife who has had cancer I can tell you that she may never be the same person she was, it changes you in a way it’s hard to explain, it does make you Harsher and less tolerant of every day things,I’m lucky my husband totally gets that and he is with me every step of the way , he knows I will never be the exact person I was before, a cancer diagnosis rocks you to the core but you can’t let it stop you from living a happy life and it does sound like she needs some help, maybe she would open up to someone else if she won’t talk to you? I wish you all the best ?

Hi ISC.,


 Hows things? Ive just noticed your post. I note the “constant you xyz”. My wifes language alone is disgusting too. She also refuses all help and just blames me for everthing…