6 x Tac

Hi everyone

I am new to the forum. I started my chemo on 11th June but have only just discovered the forum this week! I have been trying to read up on everyone’s posts.

I am on TAC x 6, from reading the forums most of you ladies are on 3 FEC and 3 TAX, don’t why we are all on different ones.

Nem - I notice that you are on TAC, started at the same time as me, and wondered how you have been since your 2nd chemo, I had mine on 2nd July. The 2nd chemo was better for me as I didn’t have as much aching bones and joints and was able to sleep due to taking lorezapam for just 3 nights whilst on steroids. I have been more tired this time though and had more stomach pains.

I have been really lucky with sickness, I haven’t had any yet! I take emend and odansetron and it seems to work for me. From the posts many of you have suffered with sickness and a sore mouth. I was given a mouth wash to do 4 times a day which tastes disgusting but does the trick and my mouth has been fine.

I have lost most of my hair, used cold cap, I still have a covering of very fine hair all over and don’t know whether to carry on with the cold cap and some say it may grow back quicker, has anyone any experience of this.

I am looking forward to having a good week now until my next chemo on Friday 23rd July, will have to plan some nice days with the kids I think.


Hi Amanda, welcome to the forum. You will have already gathered that it helps a lot of us to compare notes and just chat sometimes on here.

I am on 3 fec and 3 tax, i have second tax next thursday and for the first time i only feel like i am getting myself back today and am gonna be hit by another in a few days|!| Arghhh! But am on the way down the hill now and thats feels good!

Someone somewhere on this forum will be on 6 tac no doubt. Is it different to taxotere? I get mixed up as my one razor sharp incisive brain ( well, sharpish) is now a blunt pile of mush.

Take care

Hi Amanda

I’m starting chemotherapy next thursday, so a little behind you. I’m have 4xAC, then having a baby (am 20 weeks pregnant) followed by 4xtax - is that the same as tac?? Actually all I really know is there’s a family of drugs known as taxanes so I’m assuming they’re related!

Sounds as though the side effects haven’t been too awful for you. I’m a bit scared of the steroids and lack of sleep thing - the thought of any less sleep that I already get is grim!

Good luck with it xxx Jane


the steroids didnt stop me sleeping at all. i took them in the morning and at lunch. Even the extra steroids for tax didnt really stop me sleeping. The only thing that stopped me sleeping was a teething 2 year old and a 5 year old with bad dreams. i fully agree that that is sufficient on the no sleep front, don’t need to add in steroid sleeplessness too. You will also get the third trimester uncomfy sleepless ness too though…

like most people on here I am on 3 fEC and 3 Tax (tax is also known as its doctaxetal i think)

I think Tax is the extra strong more expensive ‘gold plated’ treatment for those ladies with node involvement so I think we are very fortunate in these times to be able to access it.

I have just had my 2nd Tax, and I have now lost all my hair - it was growing again since I had it shaved with FEC I didnt do the cold cap. But I am now nearly bald only have a very slight covering. Also eyebrows, eyelashes and all other hair gone!! It happened very quickly after my first Tax

I did find side effects for Tax different and harder than FEC, I managed to function normally with FEC, but Tax did knock me a bit and like Tors it took me about 10 days to get ‘normal’ again. But normal I got and the week before my last treatment I was great, thinking and feeling on top of the world

After my first cycle I know now what to expect. I too have the injections and the bone pain with those as well as the bone pain with Tax does build up and makes you feel low. I also have mouthwash as although have nasty taste and food tastes crap - I haven’t suffered too much.

My main problem is my with my stomach. I go from constipation to the runs - and this is the hardest to manage to balance the medication so you get the right results (if you know what I mean). I have bought some movical which was advised on here. I have had two sachets a day but still ‘waiting’ for something to happen. If I get constipated I know that will cause me problems and when you are feeling tierd and low anyhow its just something else on top.

sorry for the rambling post but good luck with your Tax, my last one is 5th August and I will be so glad to get the chemo over. Looking back it hasn’t been too bad - but it has stopped my normal life for the past 4/5 months (as well as the surgery prior to that) so for me its a case of getting back to normal, getting my hair back and being able to do (and taste) all the things I used to do.


Hi, TAC is docetaxel, doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide cocktail.
Tax is short for taxotere ie docetaxel.
I did tax/cyclophosphamide, but had to terminate due to allergic reactions. Very happy to get back to “normal”. I did the cold cap even though I lost most of my hair, but had contacted paxman who advised that using the cc can help with regrowth. Good Luck!!


I have just sarted on 6 cycles of TAC. First 1 on 9 Jul. Main problem I have is a very sore mouth, everything including water tastes foul! I’ve now got oral thrush, and a very stiff neck. I was a little sick, but compared to some not too bad. Just waiting for my hair to fall out now!

Best wishes and hugs to everyone undergoing treatment.

Dotty2 xx

I didn’t realise that keeping the cold cap helped with regrowth. I had 4xFEC,4xTAX and wore the coldcap throughout.Although I lost almost all of my hair it was back as thick as ever within weeks.
Josie x

Hi Amanda,
It comes around so quickly doesnt it! I cant believe we’re in again on Friday. I was on 6xTAC. I dont know why this is different to most people on here I guess oncologists vary- I’m in Cornwall. The oncologist did say its one of the hardest ones. I had a really hard time with the first TAC, I felt horribly sick for says and had awful stomach and mouth problems. I ended up at my GP the following thursday with a completely ulcerated mouth. She did a blood test and the count was really low… anyway in the end the oncologist said they would remove the T (taxotere) part of the tax and up the doses of the other 2 drugs. I obviously took loads of persuading that it was safe but they said it was more unsafe to continue with it. They reckon the hormones will be the most important treatment for me anyway. I thought the taxotere was the best one but she said that the A was the best and most important part. Honestly it all seems so arbitrary.
So anyway the 2nd one was much better- still really sick but no stomach problems and no injection or steroids so no joint pain or nightmares ( the steroids gave me terrible nightmares). I just have gums so sore they wake me up. All I have eaten today is tiramisu!
After the first one i tried to find out as much as I could about whether it gets worse - Because thats what we want to know isnt it! -all I can say is everyone seems to be different it does get worse for some but by no means everyone.
keep posting how you are getting on- I havent had emend so I’m interested you’ve had no sickness I might ask for it. Did you feel sick at all?
have a good week- its nice to feel well isnt it.

Hi everyone

I have just done a really long post and it disappeared from my laptop, god knows what I did! I will start again.

Vicki - I remember reading your first posts on April chemo about starting your first chemo and now you are due to have your 5th, I bet you feel good knowing you are nearly there however I get the impression its gets harder each time.

Jane - I am really sorry to hear you have breast cancer with you carrying a little one, it can be worring just being pregnant never mind having to deal with this too. It looks like you are on TAC too but you are having it in different stages due to your pregnancy. My 2nd chemo was okay although I have been more tired this time. I had more side effects with my first chemo, mainly not being able to sleep and really bad bone pain in my leg however after taking Lorazepam this time it really helped with both. I did worry with my first chemo though as you don’t know what to expect and this made me not sleep too. I thought the lack of sleep thing was down to the steriods but this didn’t affect Vicki so everyone is different I guess.

Saffronseed - I too have had some stomach probs this time. I am only now back to normal two weeks after 2nd chemo. Maybe I will take something for the constipatioon next time. I bet you are counting down to 5th Aug for your last chemo, well done to you.

Dotty - Like myself you are the TAC regime and appear to have had just a few side effects. Have you got anything for your sore mouth like a mouthwash, I have been using one and I have been fine. I had a tightening around my throat/neck with my first chemo, I also had to swallow a lot, my onc said to gargle with aspirin which did help. Unsure if this is similar to yourself.

Joseymarie - It looks like the cold cap helped with the re growth of your hair, I will hve to decide this week whether to carry on with it.

Naomi - Like you say maybe it all down the oncologist about which chemo regime to give. I am triple negative with clear lymph nodes and margins but I presume you are hormone positive from your post? Does this mean you get some further hormone treatment or pills to take. I don’t take anything after the chemo, maybe this is why I am on TAC as I know it is one of the hardest/strongest ones. No, I haven’t had any sickness at all, aswell as taking emend, I also take ondansetron for 3 days including day of treatment. I don’t take anything after that. I would certainly ask for it.

Have a good week everyone, it is the start of the school hols for me so I will be busy and good luck to you guys who are having treatment this week, I hope you have very little side effects.

Amanda xx