6 yrs anniversary

hey just past my 6 yr since diognosis ,despite docs giving me a bad prognosis ,never thought id still be here ,but i am and have just had x rays on hip and they have come back ned ! on such a high !! mind have been through the mill but still here and determined to live a long life .god willing . just got a new great gandaughter too !

That’s great news - about your hip and about your grand daughter.

Well done you!!
Mandy xx

Just completed 1 year to read your story fills me with hope, Love and Light xxMavis

Your are blessed to continue dispite all the problem that you face. I am proud of you…have a nice day.

great to hear from people getting on really well after years who had a poor prognosis. Here’s to another six year and another and another.
3N3 xx

Well done. Postings like this make my heart sing!.


So glad to hear your news Aroma - I remember you from when I first came on the forum in 2006, you give everyone hope for the future and I myself hope that I reach my 6 year anniversery this Autumn.
Best wishes, Laine.

hello all ,6/1/2 yrs clear now .still having bone problems and now am waiting an op for a hip replacement .seems the arimadex did its work on my skeleton but at least its keeping the big c at bay .have had 3 new babies in the family this year .one great nephew one greatgranduaghter and a grandaughter so christmas this year is going to be extra busy and very expensive ! but i wouldnt have it anyother way .at the beginning of my cancer journey when the outlook was so dire for me i never thought i would be here to have a family christmas with them all around .!
for everyone who has just been diognosed dont give up im living proof that you can beat this sh…ty desease .x

Love your news Aroma. Long may it continue! xx

Great news Aroma!
I’m another bone mets lady from the class of 2006, had my 6-year cancerversary in August. Yes I remember expecting to be bedridden by Christmas 2006…
… but at the moment I’m doing well on treatment (Xeloda), bone and also liver mets stable - and I’ve had two grandchildren, and seen my son’s weddng, since my diagnosis.
(Slightly off-topic: I found this when looking through latest posts while waiting in a phone queue for someone to answer… this post was on page 4 of 285 pages in Latest Replies, so I’m glad to bump it!!)

Hi there,
I am reasonably new to this game. I was diagnosed in April this year but i’m doing really well. I have already had chemo which i finished on the 18th September. I am now half way through radiotherapy and have 17 Hreceptins to go…lol.

I just want to say that reading posts like yours makes me feel a lot more positive. It is wonderful news that this is your 6th Anniversary…well done.You are truly an inspiration. Keep on smiling and enjoy life to the full… .

Karen x

This is such encouraging news, thank you for posting. So good to read posts from long term survivors. I think there should be a thread for stage 4 people who have survived for more than 5 years to give regular updates. This would be such a boost for those newly diagnosed with secondaries, or undergoing treatment.

Hi Lemongrove, It certainly does give us newbies a huge boost. I have had a very positive attitude all the way through this horrendous journey. it is surprising how strong we get. Good luck to everyone no matter what their diagnosis. We will beat this bugger…

K xx