7 months after mastectomy-how should it look and feel?

I had my mastectomy in November 20007. Now even 7 months on I have three large uncomfortable pulling lumps clumped together by the scar and a pleat across the top of these which is a horrid dirty black colour. It is very uncomfortable and I always can feel it’s there pulling. The area from below my neck is pulled down toward this horrible sight and is also discoloured. I always imagined that I would be left with a flat chest. Is it only me or are any of you other ladies left with this type of disfiguration?
I have had it checked and nothing is wrong…but replies to my queries always seem to be"whose a silly girl then…are you still doing breast exercises?".

Hi Margaret
I am about a month behind you having had a mastectomy in the middle of December.
Until then I had never seen a mastectomy scar, didn’t know what to expect and even now mine is the only one I have seen.
I have been left with a flat chest with a 9 inch scar, pink but getting paler, going into the arm pit. The whole area is very soft, I still slap on Aqueous cream on twice a day. The only ‘bumpy’ bit is towards the centre of my chest where the surgeon left a tiny bit of flesh to give the impression of a cleavage if I wear anything low cut.
I do have a slightly 'flabby 'area under my arm which annoys me sometimes but it reminds me to do exercises. I do find areas of tightness sometimes and when I do I stretch area as far as I can into discomfort but not pain and hold for 20 - 30 seconds.
I’m really sorry that I can’t be more helpful, there doesn’t seem to be much information about as to what we will look like / feel like / whats normal or not afterwards is there?
M x

Thanks Magsi,
You are right we don’t know how to expect the scar to look and feel. I’m quite sure that if others were like mine they would have asked questions about it.
The surgeon used glue to seal the wound and it took months for this to come away and I wonder if it has even now not disappeared entirely.
I am hoping that a reconstruction will put it right.

Hi Naunamh,

My operation was in May so I am 9 weeks down the line now. Like you I was expecting a straight scar which would eventually fade ( I am not having reconstruction) and to begin with it was flat when the dressing was removed. Since then it was weeping for weeks but has stopped now,has gone really puckered and lumpy and really ugly looking.I have been back to see the consultant but she says it can take a while for all the swelling to go down. I have done my exercises and tried to follow all the advice given so I don’t know what more I could have done.
I am trying not to think about it too much at the moment and hope that in time I will see an improvement. Not easy when I see it in the mirror every day but just thought I would let you know you are not the only one.



If you look on the Cancer Backup site you will see images of other women to show you what it generally looks like.

I hope it was reassurring to read WC experience - at least you know that you are not the only one.
What kind of reconstruction are you going to have?


This thread has been helpful, I was begining to wonder if my scar was ‘normal’, it sounds just like Magi’s I had my mastectomy 10 months ago and still feel discomfort through tightness at times.


Hi and thank you for your replies. Although I am sorry that others have the same discomfort and unsightlyness of the scar I am very relieved to know that it is not only me.
Yesterday I saw my bc nurse and she said that I could have further surgery to make it more comfortable and flatter; but I do want reconstruction so think I will hang on until my appointment in August with the surgeon. Hopefully he will then refer me for reconstruction.
I would like to have a diep reconstruction but have not stopped smoking yet and believe this could cause a problem. I won’t feel as if this is over until I have two breasts. It is strange that I should feel so strongly about this because I haven’t had a partner for years and so I am the only one that looks at me. But I loathe the sight of myself, hate showering and very rarely look in the mirror.
It is hard to come to terms with the new look isn’t it?

Hi Margaret,
I haven’t had my surgery yet,I am due for a Mastectomy and LD recon next Wednesday and I am devastated that my body will be changed forever.
The operation scares the living daylights out of me!
I have a partner but I am doing the recon for me ,I feel it will be my way of putting two fingers up at the cancer.
Good luck with the recon (and stopping smoking)

I had my op In March and much the same. Skin all clumped together. Looks awful. Was shown a picture at outset of how it would look. It was flat! Mine isnt. Why do they do it. You have only just been told you need mastectomy and dx with bc and someone is showing you picture presumably to prepare you along with a prothesis in my case. Do I want to hold it? I am very cynical. I have been told I can go back for tidy up.

Has anyone been told anything about massage. This was mentioned at a lymphodema course I went on locally organised by bcc. I have never been told to massage scar.

I’ve massaged the scar from very early on.
Initially underneath in small circles and above until it was fully healed start and still do so now especially if any area feels slightly bumpy - I assume scar tissue and so massage. I did find some info on the internet which I found useful at the time, just google BC Cancer Exercises - it comes up as the second site and look at the section ‘ONGOING RECOVERY’ which is where the next bit is from -

Scar Tissue Massage: Within a month or so after surgery, when your axillary and mastectomy scars have healed and are not too tender, you should begin massaging the scar tissue daily with the tips of your fingers. Use aloe vera lotion or some other favorite body lotion to make deep, circular motions with the pads of your fingers along the length of the scar to “loosen up” the scar tissue. A massage therapist or a physical therapist can instruct you in scar tissue massage. It’s a good idea to continue scar massage for the first year or two after surgery to prevent tethering of muscles underneath the scar.

Hope you find this helpful

Interesting to read about the massage. I wasn’t told about it until my recent visit to the consultant and am doing it twice a day at the moment. Don’t know if thats enough. Reconstruction is not an option for me so my biggest wish at the moment is to have a nice neat straight scar.
Funny how your priorities change in a short space of time - this time last year it would have been something much more material! I just hope it doesn’t take too long for I feel that I could live with the scar but this ugly thing I have just now can be quite depressing.
Still its good to know that I am not alone with this and there could be a light at the end of the tunnel.
Thanks to all for your comments.

Hi Magsi

Thanks for the web info which I will definitely google.

Without people on this site and support groups it would be a very lonely road indeed.

Thank you!