I am 7 weeks post rads 8 on monday my breast has healed nicely but had a pain under my breast so I checked where the pain was comming from and I felt a lump its in the tissue under the breast checked my other breast and nothing in that one in that place , this morning tried to get hold of breast nurse but no luck so rang gp and was told to go down,Dr checked where I said the lump was and he said there is nothing there and that I was checking myself wrong he said I should be using the palm of my hand this is how he checked me so he would not feel the lump doing it this way I said I use my first three fingers together flat using the pads of my fingers in circular motions gentle first then slightly more pressure and so on, he said using that way I would feel lumps as when your older your breasts become lumpy I apologized for wasting his time and came home, he also told me not to worry as I have had treatment and am on tamoxifen so he doubted I would get the cancer back I am so confused now and anxious he made me feel silly, I am going to try and get hold of the breast nurse tomorrow has anyone had similar experience with finding a lump post radiation treatment
Hi Welsh Don’t feel daft, that’s exactly how I was taught to do it & so does my oncologist for that matter. Not sure how you would get round the contors using your palm. Just makes sure the 3 fingers are straight & stuck together & you’ll be fine. xx
Hi Welshlady, not very nice to be made to feel silly by your GP. Seems exactly right how you did the check. Yes, do see your BC nurse, they will help you. I’m going through rads at the moment and my Onco did tell me to expect pain and ‘changes’ both during and after rads. Wonder if she meant lumpy bits? Hugs. X
Hi welshlady, so glad your breast clinic have seen you quickly and being thorough. I finished rads 2 years ago and for some time I had pain below the breast which felt like a lump. In my case it was actually pain in the ribs, but you are right to be cautious and get checked out. Hope the ultrasound went well and you have been reassured x
Welsh glad it was a vein & nothing more scary. Good to keep an eye on it. I had a thrombosis vein under my boob, which was a bit of a worry, but it went of its own accord after a month. Hope yours does too