92 and counting

I was out yesterday with my mum celebrating her 92 birthday…trip to Street…shopping …new purse, perfume etc…coffee…and then fish and chips in Glastonbury…as recommended in the Times last weekend! She was diagnosed with locally advanced breast cancer some 20 years ago…treated with mastectomy and radiotherapy…and then diagnosed with bone secondary 8 years ago. Recent progression so now on different hormone and denusomab…Ive also had secondary BC for 31/2 years…Good to celebrate her long term survival…and hope to emulate her!

Gosh pam that’s certainly a milestone…92 years young and still enjoying some retail therapy!
It’s amazing what our bodies can put up with. My mum is 84 next month and has never had surgery and never been to hospital!
Glad you both enjoyed the day xxxx

that is brilliant Pam…I was 62 when diagnosed with double whammy…and initially I worried a little about being ‘too old’ for treatment…not in my eyes of course but in ‘theirs’  But everyone who I have had contact with at hospital, GPsurgery etc have been very good…Now almost two years down the line feeling much more confident…and to hear about folks like your mum, and you of course, is an inspiration!!