A bit of advice

Hi i fin chemo in aug hair as grown a bit i wanted to have a few highlights put in but this wk was told my secondery mets have grown and have gtg back on chemo I’m going on xeloda but was still gona have hair done before I start but am now wondering if this a gd idea can any one help do u think it will be ok as its in my nodes and in my neck ones as well am now wondering if will be safe enough to have the bleach and dye on me hair any thought will be great thanks in advance Laura

Hi Laura,
sorry to hear your mets need more chemo :frowning:

I don’t know the answer to your question as i’m such a wimp my hair will get its first cut post chemo next week - just a year after it began to grow back! I do know some ladies have coloured their hair at around 3m, usually with veg based colours. Hiopefully someone will be along soon who can answer but for now I’ll BUMP you up the list.

Hope the hair looks grerat for you, and the chemo goes really well.

Hi Laura,
I don’t know the answer to your question any more than RevCat but a hairdresser might do a patch and strand test for you to see if the bleach or a dye doesn’t damage your hair too much. It is worth trying if it makes you feel good. It sounds as if you have had a lot to cope with. I so hope the xeolda controls things for you. This useless answer might get you up on the first page and an answer from somebody who knows about hair.
All the best with the chemo
Big Hug

Any hair experts out there?