A blog post I wrote about DCIS

Hello everyone,

Hope you are all well.

I wrote a little blog about my DCIS tonight - I’ve been toying with the idea for ages, and now that my Mastectomy is done, and I feel like the worst is over (touch wood!!) I feel like I’m getting to the place where I can talk about it a bit more openly.

I had my mastectomy last week, today is the first day I feel normal - good even - since then! Its not been too bad, just wiped out from all the painkillers and anesthetic-blues. But today I feel strong and well. And grateful :slight_smile:

Please feel free to let me know what you think. It isnt a very in depth blog, as it is up on my business site and I’d prefer to deal with the factual side of it rather than the emotional side of it there…

Anyway, here is the post :


Lots of love to everyone

E x

Hi E
I thought your blog was spot on - well done you! It encompassed a bit of everything that we go through - the more obvious fear and anxiety, but also good advice to others and seeing opportunities in something that is pretty difficult to cope with.
Your post hit a cord with me, as it mirrors mine except I am a few years older!! I was diagnosed with DCIS in Dec, had WLE with one margin not clear, then made decision to have mastectomy on 6th Jan. I have had similar feelings to you to those you described and buckets of tears!! Are you having any further treatment? I am due to go back to hospital new week - hoping there won’t be any further nasty surprises.
Hope you are still feeling well.
M x

Hi E

I have just read your blog excellent well done . Very well written and with the right information needed . I also had DCIS and had a MX with LD reconstruction in November and am well on the way to recovery back to work soon !!! Mine was left side but has settled well and looks really good i consider myself so lucky as mine was caught early .
I hope you have a speedy recovery .

Take care

Rachel x

Hi again
Hope you don’t mind me asking Rachel, but are you having any other treatment now, and how often will you be checked? I am due to go back to the hospital next week, and want to ask questions about follow up etc… but don’t really know what I should be expecting.
Mary x

Hi Mary

At present i am not having any other treatment when they did the MX they also did a SNB biopsy which was clear hurrah !!! . Like you i am waiting to see my consultant hopefully next week just waiting for the appointment to come . I will eventually have nipple reconstruction in about 6 months i think other then that i really dont know . A friend of mine who had DCIS with recon has had regular check ups with her consultant every 12 months for the past 5 years .
Hope this helps please let me know how you get on .

Best wishes

Rachel x

Hi Rachel and E
Have got my hospital appointment tomorrow following mastectomy last week, so starting to get a bit nervous. Have you had your appointments yet? When are you thinking of going back to work Rachel. I know our diagnosis was DCIS (well unless they find anything else tomorrow!) but I am really struggling to come to terms with it all, and the incessant worry that it will come back. Are you going or have you been through all that??
Anyway, will let you know how I get on - trying to keep busy today!
Mary x

Hi Mary
How did your appointment go ? I hope all is well and you are feeling ok about it all . I am going back to work on Monday 23rd i have been off 8 weeks in total but am going back to light duties only as i am a catering manager at a high school and have to do a lot of physical work. My employers have been fantastic and i have a great team who are very understanding . I am still waiting for my appointment to arrive but have seen my consultant twice 1 week and 2 weeks after surgery .
IT is hard to come to terms with what has happened but i feel so lucky that mine was caught early and treated so quickly i am a firm believer that talking to people and being open has helped me on this journey and if it did happen again at least i would now what to expect . If you would like to talk any time you can PM me .I live in Worcester not sure where you are but if anywhere near we could meet and have a chat !!!
Just found out tonight that my aunt has been diagnoised with breast cancer and she is having a MX next week
Take care
Rachel x

Hi Rachel
Have sent you a PM!
For anyone else who is reading and wondering about decisions between WLE and MX - the results from my MX were that the DCIS had spread a little further along the milk duct so if I hadn’t decided on MX, I would have been having one now. I know that is not the case for a lot of people, but just thought I would share my experiences.
M x

Hi Mary
have sent you a PM back not sure i have sent it correctly will you let me know . I totally agree about your MX decision i did exactly the same .
Rachel x