Hi lovely ladies. I wasn’t sure where tp post but here goes. I would be so grateful if anyone had any ideas on this.When I was drying under my breast after my shower this morning I noticed a distinct 'cord’this runs, vertically from just below WLE scar (which is a curve below breast and above where the bra cup curves) down to upper abdomen /ribs.It is exactly below where the tumour was and the other side does not have this. I am positive that this was not there before. I suppose my confidence in breast awareness is zilch as mine was found on routine mammo and I had no idea.I had WLE 16months ago and a 2nd one for better margins 15months ago-had chemo first to shrink lump which did not happen prior to surgery and rads after now on Arimidex. I know I sound neurotic and paranoid -I am. Any ideas I keep checking ( neurotic!!!) and it is still there.It is painless but really distinct. Any ideas as to what this could be?? So grateful for any comments. Love and hugs to all who need them. J xxx
this sounds very like Mondors cord. If you google it and look at the images you can see if yours looks like them. I have had it and so have quite a few others on here. it often happens after breast surgery of after a trauma to the breast. It is benign and generally goes away by itself- though it can take a while. I had an ultrsound on mine as it was in my good side, but your surgeon may just be able to tell by feeling. Mine felt like a thick lace running through the breast and it indented distinctly.Always best to get things checked, but hope that is what it is, it certainly sounds like it.
I agree with midge I also had mondors disease mine looked like a dimple in the breast where the cord pulled the tissue inwards and although I didn’t have the protruding cord under the breast that is the main symptom. Mine was sore when I stretched and I rubbed in brufen gel to ease it. I was really worried when I found it but consultant took one look and went don’t worry it’s mondors. It took a few months to disappear but it did go eventually.
Deb and Lulu thanks for your responses yes I think that could be it just didn’t think this far along it could happen. Sorry messed up a bit and posted twice under 2 different topics. Will google Mondors although I try to keep away from googling (!)It hasn’t helped that to-day is 2 yrs to the day since my mammo recall ( mammo,us and biopsies) when I KNEW but wasn’t told and had to go back 2 wks later for the NEWS, had actually successfully pushed that from my mind. Thank you again this site is such a great comfort, support and source of encouragement. Love Jxx
J there is info on bcc about mondors which is quite reliable info x
Hi libby2010
Here’s the link to BCC’s publication on Mondor’s Disease
Also here’s the link to the area of the website where benign breast conditions are discussed:
There’s also the helpline here if you would like to talk to someone in person.
Hope these help. Take care,
Jo, Facilitator
Ladies thank you so much for your comments and support.I decided this morning that I would ring my BCN, in the event I had to leave her a message, she responded this afternoon and when I explained said ‘Oh it sounds like Mondars’ she had never seen it herself but was encouraging and said she woild leave me a message on my home land-line( I work full time and am all over the place even with a mobile not easily contactable)Her message said to ring back and she would get me in to see one of the Drs at the breast clinic this week but was very reassuring that she did not want me to worry.I am reassured by all that you have told me and by my BCN. But it never blooming ends does it?Thank ypu lovely ladies again for you advice and encouragement J xxx
Well ladies after all that with the cord thingy appt went reasonably well today- I think.I was sent into see the other consultant Onc ( not my usual one )he immediately asked how I was getting on with Arimidex so told him, but also told him how I got on with generic anastrozole( badly and all the issues that involved) and had had to eventually get a private script for Arimidex he nearly fell off his chair!!!Said I had done 2 trials with anastrozole same results ( inc 3 appts with gynae) I collected my meds last Fri from GP ,had to make an appt for meds review before next script don’t think I will have any more Arimidex without.Sorry straying off topic. Meanwhile he thinks the cord thingies are enlarged veins but not problematic as far as he can tell but has arranged mammo and u/s he was really quite nice but I am used to my own Onc.So awaiting more appts and a results appt Love and hugs to you all
Finally no real answer to the cord thingy. Had mammo and u/s 2 weeks ago. Mammo OK then u/s OK at 1st then asked to lie down again ( after much muttering in the corner from radiologist and radiographer)which was alarming,tears welling. But they wanted to match up u/s with mammo so another go at u/s.Radiologist saw cord thing and said she couldn’t press on it as thought it was a vein and it would collapse. Off to see Onc all OK NED come back in a yr. Cord thingy becoming less pronounced but what a fright. Thank you all for your support Love J xxx