A little bit anxious

Hi everyone

I was diagnosed Feb 06, had WLE ANC. results were 22mm ductal cancer grade 3 and 1 out of 19 nodes affected. HER2 positive, E.R. 8 AND PGR 6.
Chemo was a trial that took place fortnightly (E-CMF) followed by 19 rads and finally finished Herceptin mid May this year. I am on Tamoxifen now.

The last few days my boob has been very painful and has changed shape. I have an indentation appeared over my scar line and my wonky nipple looks even more wonkier than normal. I have phoned my BN and she has arranged for me to see my Onc on Tuesday. I dont know what to think at the moment and I am getting myself a bit stressy. Has anyone else had their boob change shape this long after surgery?
I have also started bruising quite easy. I am a mass of little bruises all over my arms and legs - nothing huge, just finger print sized and I am getting a lot of aches in my shoulders and neck.
Am I worrying too much about all of this? My brain is working overtime at the moment :frowning:

Thanks for listening


Dear Dawn

I am sorry to read that you are feeling this way and would suggest that you may find it helpful to give our confidential helpline a ring. The helpliners are either breast care nurses or have experience of breast cancer so can offer advice, information and a listening ear. The helpline is open until 2pm today, usual hours are Mon-Fri 9am-5pm and Sat 9am-2pm on 0808 800 6000.

Best wishes
Forum Host
Breast Cancer Care

hi dawn,
sorry to hear your having such a stressful time at the moment…its understandable to feel anxious…you did the right thing contacting your BCN…tuesday must seem like a life time away to you at mo’…if your like me you want an answer and you want it now…unfortunately its the waiting thats the worst…the gremlins start kicking in again.
Always here if you want to talk.
Hope all goes well on tuesdy.

karen x

hi dawn, sorry to hear you are having probs at the moment.
could be wrong but i think that tamoxifen can make you bruise more easily. i caught my arm last week and had a big bruise.
hope things go ok on tuesday.

Hi Dawn,so sorry you are so worried,you did the right thing contacting your BCN ,hope your oncologist can get to the bottom of things for you and that all will be well,waiting is so rotten…take care now and let us know how you go on,L.

Hi Dawn,
I was dx in Jan 2003, tumour 2 cm with DCIS - lumpectomy and total axillary node removal, 4/18 nodes cancerous. I then got Mondor’s disease 2 years later, terrified it was a recurrence, but very experienced bc surgeon knew what it was and said he had never seen this in a patient with bc, but had otherwise. It was a long ropey cord at the top of the breast. This past year my boob was very swollen, couldn’t even see the nipple when I looked down and the aureola was, and still is, grossly enlarged. Rang my bc nurse, got an urgent appt on a Saturday would you believe, with my surgeon. He said it is lymphodoema - I knew you could get it in the arm, but never heard of it in the breast. It is not painful, just looks so swollen. I am not stressing it, as he isn’t.
Glad you have an appt to see the Onc next week and hope it is something innocuous.

Bruising is another matter entirely, and needs to be addressed, as there could be a problem with your white cells. I have Crohn’s and bruise even if someone just brushes up against me.

Take care,

Hello everyone

Thank you for your messages and kind wishes. I hope your all doing great and having a good weekend :smiley:

I went to see my consultant and he gave me a check over. My appointment was late in the day and when I saw him the place was almost empty. I had some blood tests done (the consultant sent out for a nurse as the blood clinic was shut and he didn’t want me to wait till the following day. I should get the results soon hopefully. The bruise I have is incredible from the blood test :frowning: I also have huge bruises on my legs now as I managed to fall over this week - very embarrassing as I was stone cold sober!!

I have also been told that I have to have a bone scan and another mammogram. Mammo will be next Friday and I am waiting to get the bone scan appointment in the post. He did his best to put my mind at rest but I will be happier once I have had the mammo.
Will keep you posted.
