a lump

Hi Val,

So glad it was just a cyst.

I’m just in the process of reporting to my bc nurse my worry about a lump which is growing rapidly in my remaining breast, whilst doing chemo. I’ve not slept well and can feel the anxiety building up inside. It’s probably only a cyst, but I feel I want an ultrasound scan and aspiration NOW to put my mind at rest or get the thing dealt with. It seems to be growing overnight since I started on my taxotere sessions. Anyone had that experience?

I am waiting for a needle biopsy of a different “suspicious area” in that breast next week, under MRI scanner, anyone had experience of that procedure? I am rather anxious about having that done,too. Really on edge! Just seem to have been waiting,waiting ,waiting for too many weeks! I’m feeling quite low, in fact, which is not like me. Can hardly raise a smile these days. Any suggestions and sympathy welcome!

Ann xx

Val - GREAT news!!

AnnaG: not heard of needle biopsy under MRI, but have had one guided by ultrasound - was OK - these things have to be done, hmmm.

I guess all of us on here understand only too well about the anxiety of waiting. Don’t feel guilty; if there is anything encouraging (a supportive family or bc nurse, or a medical reason to hope for a good outcome) hold on to that; and remember to let us know whatever happens, we’ll be here for you, to hold your hand or to share your relief.

Dear Ann I do hope your results are as good as mine were.My biopsy was guided by mammogram[original dx].The whole thing is so scary.Love Valxx
ps.maybe you should start a new thread so that people wont think I dont need to look at that one 'cos its horace and I know she’s ok now.The support on the sites means the world.xx

Val delighted to hear all’s well, onward and upward.

AnnG, hope all work out for you too.

Absolutely delighted to hear that your lump is a cyst. Go celebrate - eat & sleep is probably called for but chuck in a gin as well.

Love Lilac

Val - what a relief. I’m so pleased for you. Marvellous news.

Anna G. Sorry to hear about your worry. Good luck for the biopsy and in the meantime I shall be thinking about you. Take care.

Anthi x

Val - great new, I am so pleased for you Margaret

Ann, no real suggestions, apart from to try to take one day at a time, and try not to think the worst at this stage. Sympathy - yes, by the bucket load, it is so awful to have been through so much already, and still to have these worries. Do hope everything turns out fine, and please do let us know. You can be sure that we will be here for you. Sarah x