A Man prescribed Herceptin

A Man prescribed Herceptin

A Man prescribed Herceptin I heard briefly on the Radio 5 news this morning, that a man had been prescribed Herceptin, more details later in the day.

I shall keep looking on the BBC website to see if it gets written up.


No more news yet? Hi Brian

Any more news about this yet? I’ve been looking but not finding anything.

Best wishes


He… has apparently been prescrobed the drug but as is normal he is waiting on funding.

His name is Stuart, don’t know whether he has been on this site at all, but was diagnosed last June - the same as me.

I’ll keep looking if it has appeared on the web site.



BBC website Article has appeared on BBC website - copied and pasted as follows:

A male breast cancer sufferer is pleading to be given the drug Herceptin to combat his condition.
Stuart Weaver, 37, of Maidstone in Kent, needed a mastectomy and courses of chemotherapy after finding a lump in his left breast in early 2005.
The treatment worked but Mr Weaver’s consultant has recommended Herceptin to try to prevent the cancer returning.
However, AXA PPP Healthcare said the drug fell outside the conditions of his healthcare trust scheme.
Mr Weaver’s cover meant AXA PPP could pay for emergency cancer treatment such as surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, the company said.
But a statement added: “In these circumstances the treatment - for which the drug [Herceptin] is unlicensed - is preventive as it is being used to decrease the risk of recurrence of the disease and, as such, it falls outside the scope of the scheme.”

Mr Weaver said he was “extremely devastated” when a biopsy confirmed the lump he found was cancerous.
“They took away the breast tissue and the nipple because cells can still get into the nipple area,” he said.
Mr Weaver thinks Herceptin should be more widely available to breast cancer sufferers.
“If you’ve got a drug like this that’s hailed as a wonder drug and has produced significant results in clinical trials, then it should be available to everybody.”

However, Dr Emma Pennery from Breast Cancer Care said there were concerns about Herceptin’s general availability, and even more so for men.
"I think it’s likely to be problematic because there isn’t equal access for women already across the UK and the difficulty is we don’t fully understand its usage in men.
“All the clinical trials to date have been on women,” said Dr Pennery.
Jeremy Hughes, Chief Executive of Breakthrough Breast Cancer said: "Whilst there isn’t a lot of information on Herceptin’s usage in men, it is thought that Herceptin will be effective for men with this type of breast cancer and those who think they could benefit should talk to their clinician.
"It is distressing for breast cancer patients when they find they are not covered by their insurance policies.
“Herceptin has highlighted the need for insurance companies to take into account new treatment breakthroughs and provide transparent information on what is and isn’t covered in their policies in a way that can be understood by all.”
Mr Weaver said he was determined to be using Herceptin by June, which would be six months after the end of his chemotherapy.


Thanks for that Cheers Jim


Herceptin Anyone in contact with Stuart?? (Or for Stuart if you read this)

I took AXA PPP to the Ombudsman when they refused to fund a years herceptin for me (my case was a little complicated as I had some funding). My complaint was upheld by the ombudsman and they have paid . We used assorted arguments including that it wasn’t totally “preventative”. I don’t know if you have already gone down this route but it may be of assistance to you.

Any questions don’t hesitate to ask.


Herceptin This was just on aol news!!!thought you would all like to know take care

Male Cancer Patient Wins Herceptin Case
Private healthcare insurance company refused to treat him

Victory: Stuart Weaver can now be treated with Herceptin

– Search: Herceptin

A male breast cancer sufferer has been told that his local NHS trust will fund his treatment with Herceptin.

Stuart Weaver, 37, from Maidstone, Kent, believes the drug could more than double his chances of beating the disease.

Maidstone Weald Primary Care Trust said: "Following careful consideration of Mr Weaver’s individual clinical needs and taking into account the clinical advice of his consultants, we have agreed to fund the drug Herceptin for Mr Weaver’s treatment.

“We have just spoken with Mr Weaver and he was happy with the news.”

Herceptin is not routinely prescribed by all NHS trusts in England, prompting a number of high-profile cases of women appealing to the courts for help.

Mr Weaver approached the NHS after his bid for funding was twice rejected by his private healthcare insurers.

He said if his bid was turned down, his only option was to consider paying for the £1,000 for each course of treatment himself.

The NHS trust said: "Mr Weaver sought advice and help from the NHS after his private healthcare insurance company refused to treat him.

"Maidstone Hospital’s cancer specialists put Mr Weaver forward for Herceptin, once he became an NHS patient.

"Mr Weaver’s case is being treated in the same way as all women in Kent who are currently put forward for the drug based on their individual clinical needs.

"Mr Weaver’s case was considered by Maidstone Weald PCT’s Individual Treatment Panel, which looks at special requests for the funding of a patient’s treatment, that could include drugs, specialist equipment and consultation at other hospitals.

“Any decisions are based on the patient’s individual clinical needs, the advice of the consultants or other health specialists and the clinical evidence available about the treatment.”