Hi all - im new to the forum and im feeling concerned.
Found an egg shaped lump in my left breast 2 wks ago, attended breast clinic this Wednesday and ended up spending 6 hours there. What an awful day, had mammogram, consultant examination where he found I also had a deep lump on the right breast also - the noticeable lump in about 5cm skin showing dimpling and puckering. Went on to then have ultrasound which also showed up another lump in the left armpit area too.
I then went onto have core biopsies done, however the first one performed on the egg shaped lump went terribly as she had not anethatised me properly and I was nearly climbing the walls in pain and ended up having a panic attack . I was traumatised by this event, and she then said that she couldnt perform the core biopsy in the armpit or on the right breast because it was so deep and would need to wait for the Consultant that was coming over to start the afternoon clinic (I however think she said this because she realised she had made a right mess of the procedure!)
So we had an hour n a half to grab a bite to eat, all the time I was nervous about the rest of the biopsies - went into the consultant radiographer and she was lovely and I explained what had happend earlier - she did a fab job of the biopsies and I didnt feel a thing.
Then went back through to see the consultant and he already had an appointment letter for me to go back and see him next Wednesday, he said he and the team would discuss my results on Tuesday and then he would see me on Wednesday and did I have any questions. I came across all blank and said no I would wait till I saw him next, because all I wanted to do was go home as i was a total wreck from the mornings events, and was feeling very sore.
I am now kicking myself as I could of at least asked if he thought there was something to worry about. So in my own mind (not that I want to be negative) im preparing myself for bad news, because my niece recently went to the same clinic with a lump and she had a core biopsy, but she was told to ring for her results and was not given a follow up appointment at all (her results were clear by the way).
Just feeling confused at the moment and the waiting/not knowing is getting me down.
Hi Whiterose
I’m sorry to read that you are having a pretty worrying time at the moment. I’m sure the users of this site will be along to support you soon.
In the meantime maybe you would like to talk to a member of our helpline staff who are there to offer emotional support as well as practical information. The free phone number is 0808 800 6000 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9.00 to 5.00 and Saturday 10.00 to 2.00.
Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator
Dear Whiterose,
Sounds like a horrific afternoon. Waiting for all the results can be a real mind game. It does sound as though the consultant is planning to see you quite quicly so hopefully Wednesday will bring you some answers. It may well raise more questions but if write a list to take with it will help you ask all of the questions on your mind. Don’t feel silly doing that - my consultalt highly reccomends it (even though I never did it!). I hope that you have somebody that you can take with you. Good luck. I will be thinking of you and don’t google!!! x
Hi Whiterose
Sorry to hear you had such a bad experience and waiting for results is always so stressfull it’s like being in the waiting room but your results are coming through quite quick Wednesday is not to long wait atlhough I know it feels like it at the moment. Please don’t google as this will do your mind in and a lot of the information you get will be out of date, stay with this site and Macmillan where you will find good up to date information.
As Deborah says, between now and Wednesday write down all the questions that come to you so you can get all the informantion you need. Try and take a friend with you if you can for support for you and a second pair of ears as it’s hard at times like this to take everything in on your own.
In the mean time, and I know it’s not easy, try not to think to much and stay positive.
I wish you all the luck on Wednesday, let us know how you get on.
Sending you (((hugs)))
Chris x
Hi Whiterose,
What a traumatic experience for you! At least the biopsies were successfully done in the afternoon, and I know a week seems a long time to wait for the results but it seems to be about standard.
I don’t think the Consultant would have given you any more information about what to expect even if you had asked - they don’t give much away at this stage because they can’t be sure until the samples have been tested. I was told after my first visit to the breast clinic that my lump was ‘suspicious’ but that was all - and I already knew that!
The waiting is the worst - you’ll feel better able to cope when you get the results. Good luck.
Annie x
Thank you all for your feedback, I had a lovely chat with the helpline today which was nice to just offload a bit. I will let you know how it goes on Wednesday, it cant come round soon enough for me - thank you once again
Hi whiterose.
Sorry you had a bad experience…going to the breast clinic is stressful enough without them making a hash of th biopsies.
When I went to the breast clinic I was given an appointment to get the results the week after so that seems as if it’s standard. The waiting, whether for the results of the initial biopsies or the pathology results after surgery, is awful.
The best maxim I’ve heard is “hope for the best but prepare for the worst.” Personally, I found waiting for the results of the biopsies far worse than the actual cancer diagnosis.
(((hugs))) xxx
Thank you maggiemay
Yes, waiting for results is stressful, its the not knowing and its like everything is on hold even though I know it shouldnt be. Felt a bit brighter today, but am still very sore in the biopsy sites, especially in the armpit, but will just keep on the painkillers - reading through this is a great site and full of support for everyone :o)
Hi whiterose
It looks like we are at the same stage as, like you, I had my recall visit last week.
I was given all the tests, including the needle bipsy, stragiht away. I think they had already determined it was cancer. I was told the result before the biopsy result was available and they think I have a primary cancer of 2 cm, with no evidence of any spread at this stage.
Like you, I am going back on Wednesday for the biopsy result but also to see the surgeon. They are planning to do a lumpectomy in August, followed by three weeks of radiotherapy and hormone threrapy (Tamoxifen).
I find it difficult not knowing exactly what I am dealing with yet, what type of cancer it is and all the different acronyms on here are very confusing.
I also find it a little disconcerting that, in the short time I have been on this site, I have yet to come across someone posting who has a straight-forward cancer like I am thought to have; that is a localised one requiring lumpectomy, radiotherapy and hormone treatment, which then is successfully removed. Is it never that straight-forward I wonder?
Good luck to you on Wednesday, whiterose. I will let you know how I get on and hope you will update us too.
Hi Anne - thankyou for your post - a cyber hug sent your way - i know what you mean with all the jargon its so confusing - i will post the findings on Wednesday on how i get on too xx
Hi apandy I have almost finished treatment for what I assume is the same diagnosis as you. DCIS [ductal carcinoma in situ]non invasive ,intermediate grade. Surgery went well no problems at all. Am just starting fifth and final week of radiotherapy tomorrow, can’t decide wether tiredness is due to extreme heat or treatment[have 80 mile round trip daily ,no fun in this heat],also minimal redness also mainly due to heat and very little discomfort. I also do not have to take any Tamoxifen.Be reasured the journey through treatment can be problem free ,but please acknowledge that because it may be a “straigtforward” cancer the emotional impact of having a diagnosis of breast cancer is the same as everyone else. Accept any complementary therapies that are offered by hospital or a charity they really do help . Do you have a “Maggies” centre or "breast cancer Haven " near you they are excellent. Good luck for Wednesday ,as everybody says the waiting is the worst[that was my only hiccup, had to wait an extra week for results after surgery] once you have a treatment plan it is much easier to cope and plan.
Hi ANne. There are some with “straightforward” cancers. I met someone with one at a support group I went to. I thought mine was straightforward too except I now need a second wle (lumpectomy) because the surgeon didn’t get a clear margin all the way round.
Thank you riverside and maggiemay22 for your reassurances. .
One more day and then its results day - am so worried - phoned the clinic today to see if they could give me any feedback from my ultrasound as i didnt ask any questions on the day as to what they had found but the nurse said my notes were with the secretary and would have to wait to see the consultant on wed - apparently im seeing the main consultant for my core biopsy results (I saw the locum consultant last wk) so now ive managed to work myself up even more thinking about it - wednesday cant come soon enough
Hi white rose replying to your post as I had a terrible weekend waiting for ct results today, all was good news though. This waiting is torture, and anxiety can be all consuming disturbs your sleep and you can’t concentrate. All I can say is keep busy in the day, don’t go to bed till really tired. I hope your results are ok, it’s all much more bearable when your results are in however good or bad they are, thinking of you because I know how awful it is, take one day at a time, that helped me, all the best for Wednesday you will cope better than you think, xx
Thank you Lols - so pleased you received good news Yes it is torture the waiting, been trying to keep myself busy, but have been a little limited as the biopsy sites are still being troublesome, I would of taken myself out with the dogs but cant have them pulling me as the site in the armpit is so tender, so walkies have been limited, going out for lunch tomorrow with a good friend so that will keep me occuppied a bit - at least I can take the dressings off tomorrow so the biopsy sites may feel more comfortable once the tape isnt pulling Will post results either way that I receive.
Hi whiterose
How did you get on?