A study of supportive, self-management website for women living with secondary breast cancer.

What is the study?
Researchers are hoping to explore how they can evaluate a new interactive website, tailored to the needs of women living with secondary breast cancer, on a large scale by first testing out the procedures in a smaller study.

They also want to get an idea of whether or not women living with secondary breast cancer find the website useful and whether it might positively impact their life and how they manage their cancer

Who’s organising it?
Researchers from the University of Leeds are conducting the study, funded by Breast Cancer Now. 

How can I get involved?
If you have been diagnosed with secondary breast cancer and would be interested in taking part in this study, please get in touch with  Kathleen Kane (PhD student at University of Leeds) using the email below. Please register your interest by the end of September 2020.


Please note that this survey has been extended and is now open until September 2020.

To take part, you can still email researcher Kathleen Kane (PhD student at the University of Leeds) on um08k2k@leeds.ac.uk