A thought for Xmas
A thought for Xmas Hi all’
just an update…firstly I would like to re-post the link for the Victorian Breast Cancer Council ‘messages of hope’.
On here are women alive and well NOW after 15+ years of secondaries - and not just bony ones too.
Please read it if you have not…there is hope for a life for us yet.
As for me…well after my stroke which was either cancer related or chemo related I am making a steady recovery…I now work a couple of hours a day from home and I can do 80% of all things I used to do pre-stroke…my OT and Physio predict further improvement but I don’t think I will ever be 100% again.
My mets continue to have buggered off!..no trace on latest scan after quite a wide-spread proliferation throughout my lymphatic system and a muscle.
I spoke to my Onc today and she has currently 2 women on 100+ cycles of Xeloda who are still in remission (140 and 125 cycles to be precise) and by my rubbish maths make that about 10+ years!
So…I am in remission and am spending Xmas with my family.
To you all…keep pushing,fighting,hoping…whatever you have to do to make sure we can all wish each other merry Xmas in 2007.
Please be as well as you can be THIS Xmas.
Love from Australia
Hey Nicky
Cheers for the post just what i needed at this very moment hun.
All the best for Christmas hun and have a fab new year.
Lots of love lynnc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Nicky! It’s great to hear your news…I know a lady who is doing very well and has been for a few years on Xeloda.
Have a warm! and very Happy Christmas Nicky!
Anyone who hasn’t read the link in Nicky’s post I can only say it’s a great read, very inspiring, I wish BCC would do something similar.
Love Belinda.
Thank you Nicky It is good to hear you are doing so well, and I am going to look at your inspiring link again. It would be good to have something similar ourselves, as you say Belinda.
Happy Christmas Nicky.
Love Jenny
Hi Nicky So good to hear you are doing well.
Happy Holiday’s!
Love Twinkle xoxo