A whole year

Here I am a year on, first mammogram two weeks ago (it bloody hurt) and was told 5-6 weeks for results but I got them today!!! All clear, no changes. I am so so relieved and happy.
If you had asked me a year ago would life ever be good again after the diagnosis and subsequent surgery I would say no but it’s the complete opposite. Life is great, I’m managing on tamoxifen and living my best life. Never give up my loves, there is always light the other side xx


Brilliant news ! Thank you for coming back to give us a positive story . Something to look towards ( maybe not mammogram pain!)

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Wonderful news! So great to share positive stories too so people know things can be wonderful again after a breast cancer diagnosis. Keep on living that best life! x


Such good news. I’ve just finished 15 sessions of radiotherapy and in theory back to normal, with Anastrazole and zoledronic acid ongoing.

Feeling good but can’t fully leave it behind me yet. Hoping time will allow the memories of the last 6 months to fade. I’m totally on board with living life to the full though, and it’s great to read your positivity.

Onwards and upwards to everyone on this rollercoaster journey xx


Thank you for sharing your positive news @rainstarr

I’m so glad to hear you’re doing well.

Sending our warmest,


I just remember how much the positive stories helped me a year ago xx this site is wonderful


So good to hear such good news. We all need to hear the bright side.


Great news,
I had my first mammogram about a month ago …the waiting was awful but I also got the all clear and was very relieved and happy.
I year ago today I started my chemo and have lots of treatment since …my Herceptin injections are due to end in September so hoping my Christmas this year will be better than last…
I wish you luck on the rest of your journey and keep those positive pants on…xx


There is indeed. What a lovely and uplifting post. So pleased for you. x

Thats great to hear! It certainly is a relief when you get that result isn’t it. Definitely a short breath holding moment! :blush:

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@rainstarr Thank you for sharing good news! It’s always great to find out good outcomes! I understand you had surgery and hormonal therapy only ? How are you feeling ( side effects ?) on hormonal therapy? Anything to be mindful of? I had WLE 03/07 and waiting for final histopathology. Not sure if radio and or only hormonal therapy as subsequent treatment.
Thank you for good news story. I would like to read more good stories here as people tend to write about challenges usually on forums so :heart::raised_hands::tada:for sharing your good news with us all!
I think I am exhausted with reading papers on pub med etc with all the stats. I want hacks not the stats now…
Good luck, enjoy your days!! x Ania


I’m so pleased for you… I love your post… I’m six months in after lumpectomy & 5 day’s radiotherapy constantly worrying about reoccurrence even though such low risk…… but today I woke up thinking why worry about what might be … it may never be. Your post has just inspired me to be positive and live every day as we should x Thank you… Best wishes :heart:x


That’s great news :heart:
I too am 12 months since my diagnosis, surgery and now on letrozole for 5 years which I am tolerating.
I waited 5 weeks for my mammogram results recently which was so stressful but it was all good :blush:
Keep those positive vibes x


Hi aug, I’m three weeks post surgery and start Letrozole next week. I’m really worried about the side effects that I’ve read people are experiencing.
Which brand are you on and are you taking any supplements to help with the side effects? Any help / advice much appreciated!

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Hello, hope you are keeping well post surgery :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I have had various brands and tbh everyone is individual with their side effects. I have noticed that after about 4 weeks the side effects do settle down and for me are very manageable so I don’t feel as though I need any supplements.
Healthy eating and exercise is helping me feel good so keep positive and you will get through it x

Hi Welsh Lady, I have been on Letrozole for 6months, firstly threw me into menopause yuk!! I recommend speaking to your pharmacist, different manufacturers are definitely a thing, my pharmacist just gets sent whatever, but last week I started a different brand and oh boy, hot flushes every 2 hours, pharmacist found me my regulars and back to normal 1 may be 2 hot flushes a day, which is fine for me. Usual stuff put on weight, tired etc but that could also be the intense radiotherapy I had in February. I hope this helps a little bit, but do ask your pharmacist (give your self a few weeks settling in period), and request what works best for you. Good luck and much love Sx

Might be worth you keeping a diary re any side effects and which brand it is and noting any difference on different brands . You could also take pictures of the different packets if that helps. Remember to include and make allowances for hot weather / diet / alcohol /sleep . Anything that you found particularly trying that made your symptoms worse.

Some times side effects settle somewhat after a few weeks and many people don’t experience significant side effects - the people that have the side effects including myself are the ones who post about it. Most of those who are ok just don’t post so it may seem like everyone is struggling but actually although it’s a significant number of us we are probably in the minority .

Exercise does seem to help - I do Yoga which certainly helped my joints and cold water swimming ( not for everyone I know ) helps with hot flushes . I rarely drink alcohol anyway but that makes flushes worse and I avoid clothes with tight necks and try to stick to natural fibres .

There are many threads on here about hormone therapy which you may or may not find helpful . Your BCN and Pharmacist may be able to give you some support if you struggle with it . Xx

Hi suzola, thank you so much for your advice. Which brand is your regular Letrozole? Good luck, much love Welsh Lady x

Hi JoanneN, thank you so much for your valuable advice. I will keep a diary, I was going to ring round the pharmacies to see which ones they have in. Which make are you on? Do you try to stick to same brand?hank you so much. Good luck to you. Welsh Lady x

I have to admit that I stopped it early due to side effects and the fact that my Surgeon said that I was such a low risk that it would be reasonable for me to stop if I didn’t get on with it. Had my situation been different I would have tried to stick it out . I’ve got some underlying health conditions as well and considering that I was a low risk it was a case of weighing up the odds . There’s still a bit of doubt over whether it was the right thing to do or not and if I had known that a different brand might make a difference I might have tried to continue .But I’m glad that I did at least try .
I was on Anastrozole and it was Teva . Xx

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