A year of pain and doctors dont seem to be concerned

Hi all, I posted a while ago about a breast lump in my left breast and severe pain in both breasts, which I have had for over a year (since last May). Anyway after multiple visits to the doctor I was referred to a breast clinic, but unfortunatly for me as soon as the doctor came in she seemed to already know it was nothing to worry about, so nothing was done to make sure apart from a regular breast exam. Obviously I know the cause is unlikely to be cancer, but I havent ruled it out. They keep telling me my lump is just breast tissue, and that my pain is just caused by some women having pain. This pain is so so severe, it is getting in the way of my everyday life and I am only 21, and sick of worrying and not being able to relax and enjoy myself because everytime i feel that pain it reminds me that something is wrong with me. I cant hug anyone, lie on my stomach, absolutely hate putting on a bra or taking one off, lying on my side, everything.
I am just so frustrated, upset and fed up. I am taking evening primrose but theyre doing nothing. Has anyone ever been given any other treatment for pain?

Thanks for reading

Molly, I’m so sorry you are having a tough time. I cant’t offer any opinion on your breast condition, but I do know that you MUST NOT put up with this pain any longer. I think you could book a GP appt and take someone with you - mum, sister, best friend perhaps - to back you up and support everything you say. And if it’s ‘just breast tissue’ insist that you get a proper medical explanation of what this means and WRITE IT ALL DOWN.

all the best


Hi Molly

I’m sorry to read you’re having a tough time at the moment. Can I suggest you give the BCC helpline a call and talk through your concerns with one of our trained members of staff, who will offer you a listening ear as well as support and practical information. The number to call is 0808 800 6000 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9 to 5pm and Saturday 10 to 2pm.

I hope this is helpful.

Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator

Hi Molly,
Ditto Grumpys comments.Its easy for everyone else to dismiss your pain,but no-one knows your body like you do and if you think somethings not right dont let them fob you off.As Grumpy says take someone along with you and insist on something being done to get to the cause of the pain.Good luck,