A year on and pain and swelling below mastectomy scar.

Hi all,

I’ve not been on here for a long while due to taking care of my dad who is terminally ill. Anyways, I just wondered whether anyone else has experienced pain and swelling below the mastectomy scar? It’s nearly a year since I had surgery and, in general, I’ve recovered well.

Just this last week or so, I noticed that it was quite painful. It feels sore under the skin. The skin isn’t red or anything, and the skin doesn’t hurt to touch. It does hurt underneath though when I press the area.

The swelling isn’t huge, but I can see it easily when I’m standing upright. It feels fleshy as opposed to being firm or lumpy. Does anyone think I should be concerned?

Thanks in advance, Mel xx

Hi Mel, I had a WLE not a MX last year.  I also had lymphnode clearance.  I have experienced something like you in that just below my breast line and near the edge of the breast I tend to have a swelling which I have been told is due to fluid gathering.  I have started exercises to combat this and it does work.  My hand also swells up if I use it for too long, for example typing,  knitting etc.  I attend my local Haven group where I  have been given support and am due to go for manual drainage.  I had mentioned it to the oncologist who had considered going for a bone scan however I felt like you that it was soft swelling rather than hard lump.  So for me the exercises have worked but I  need to keep at it.  It doesn’t go away rather I manage it.  Hope that helps.  You should speak to your BC nurse for advice too.  Regards Anne