A year on from Lymph node removal

I had all my lymph nodes removed in February 2010. It still feels quite uncomfortable in the armpit / underarm area and it still feels stiff if I try to reach up, although in all I have good mobility.

Much of it is still totally numb.

Is this discomfort, stiffness and numbness normal and does it ever feel like the other, unaffected side?

Hi pennies,

I too had a mx and full node removal in feb 10, and i am still suffering with my arm, i had severe cording in my armpit, which with weeks of physio is now not too bad. Its the tightness at the top of my arm, and the numbness in my armpit and pins and needles down the underside of my arm, that gets me down.
I thought the feeling would of started to come back by now if it was going to. I take gabapentin for the nerve pain, which does help a little.

Thanks Sharon, that’s reassuring. DO you still do physio exercises? Are you meant to carry on with them forever?

Yes, I also get pins and needles in from my elbow to my hand, but that only started in September. Onc doesn’t think it’s anything to worry about but she’s not in my boat is she.

I’ve not taken anything for it. I didn’t know there was anything to take,

Discomfort worse at night too. Does anyone else find this?

Hi - I had a sentinel node op in early December and suffered from stiffness and cording afterwards. I did all my exercises etc but wasn’t right. However swimming really really helped and I was stunned by the amount of additional mobility I had after each swim and this combined with a bit of gentle massage eliminated the cording. It’s a fantastic way to increase your movements in a way that is supporting your muscles. Unfortunately my swimming is on hold as I had my mx a couple of weeks ago so cannot swim at the moment. Admittidly I haven’t had the full lymph node removal like you, but just in case it helps…

I had my MX and node removal a year ago - armpit still stiff despite exercises and numbness still numb but getting some feeling back gradually - the exercises so help - the minute I stop exercising the stiffness comes back …such a pain but there we go. Swimming is fab for it all, bw Nicola

Hello Pennies.
The bad news. Five years on after comlete node removal under right arm I am:-
Still doing physio exercises otherwise things tighten and I have pain.
Still have a patch of numbness down the back of my arm but it doesn’t affect anything.
I have to be careful with bras. But I know I’m lucky that I can buy from anywhere provided I select carefully.
Lymphedema is an irritation and uncomfortable.
The good news.
I have total mobility in my arm.
I am looking forward to a complete all clear in a few days time.
Scar completly hidden in the natural creases.
I don’t have “bingo wings” physio very toning.

I have to be careful swimming because of the lymphedema, but I find swimming actions on dry land a quick way to get mobility back.


I had a WLE and all my nodes removed just two weeks ago. I was hoping this horrible numbness and the feeling of a million nerve endings screaming with each movement would go eventually but I guess reading your posts that the most I can hope for is a bit of easing off! As soon as I’m allowed I’m off to the swimming baths!

Hi there. I had lymph node removal in September so was really interested in people still having discomfort a year on. I would definitely agree about the swimming. It really is the best. But yoga is also really good.

My surgery site puffs up quite frequently (still on chemo so the steroids make the puffing up worse) and strangely I find being a passenger in the car makes it worse. I think it must be the slight jiggling motion. OK if I’m driving though.

I;m quite cheerful with most of the chemo but the soreness in and around my armpit makes me very tetchy!

Hi there, I had a lumpectomy and lymph node clearence last Thursday and doing my excercises every day. I was surprised that the actual wound is not painful, but the numbness and tightness under the arm from armpit to elbow is. Glad to hear it is normal and look forward to when I can go swimming. It is this and the hot flushes from the chemo that are keeping me awake.

Hi all,
it is comforting to hear that the pain , pins and needles and numbness in the back of my arm is normal. ( I had a lumpectomy and ANC just two weeks ago. ) I am doing my excercises each day and trying to walk three miles at least each day. I am a little concerned that the wound from the lumpectomy is still leaking fluid, and that my breast is still swollen. Is this normal?
Take Care
