Abdominal seroma

I haven’t been offered physio?? I turfed out the depths of my underwear drawer and found a reasonably sexy basque! I am now wearing that under my pjs! I don’t think I had this in mind when I bought it!

Ha ha ha!!!

Jillybee what happens with it now? Mine is starting to go hard but only a little and it’s still expanding. I wonder if I should request draining before it gets any harder.

Ahhh I just had it drained :slight_smile:

Oh my goodness!! Now I feel like I have made a fuss. They only drained 100mil! But even tho it is a relief I do seem to have just a generally uncomfortable back without all the fluid there. Perhaps I should take some painkiller and stop thinking it can be easily resolved.
They did say it is likely to fill up again. Nothing about infection. I just need to ring if I want to see them again otherwise it’s onwards on the conveyer belt to chemo x

Hi Molliana I don’t think it matters how much it is, it’s very very uncomfortable! I went along to a group physio session at my hospital today which was really useful and with a lovely friendly group. New exercise regime starts in the morning!
When’s your chemo start? Do you know how many cycles you’re having? My surgery was risk reducing as I’m BRCA1 and I’ve had chemo and radiotherapy so feel free to ask anything and I’ll do my best to answer! Xxx

I start Fec x 6 on Wednesday. thank you for you offer of answering questions. I am sure there will be some x

I hope you manage to enjoy your holiday Lavendersblue and let us know how you are feeling when you return. Sending hugs. Xxx

Hi. Thank you. I had it drained on Thursday and did ask about compression. The surgeon just dismissed it and said it would just fill up again. Anyway I am happy to say it hasn’t! ok maybe a little but nothing like it was so i am hoping I am over the worst of the fluid now. Tho ironically it has all been quite painful this weekend and i was wondering whether the fluid had been cushioning it! But I am sure once it settles down it will be much much better x
I hope everyone else isn’t too uncomfortable x

Hi Molliana
Mine felt more uncomfortable when it was drained!! I think you’re right about the cushion effect! Take care. Xx