I had BC 5 years ago, grade 1, full mastectomy. At my 5 year check up there is a large and very tough and highly inconvenient lump in my lymph nodes, same side. Scan indicated very suspicious, needle biopsy not enough cells, 3 core biopsys later, results are abnormal cells and now due to have CT scan. Have been told will have surgery but the scope of this is unclear until CT back- as is the proper diagnosis. I cant find much advice about lymph node issues, they are worried it might be a BC recurrence, or “something else” going on, because the scan “indicates” its cancer. The pathology is as yet unclear.Is this how it is for everyone? I feel in complete limbo and SO disappointed this is coming back to haunt me.
Hi Sarah
I’m so sorry that it sounds as though you might be in a similar situation to me.
I recently had mx and lymph clearance for a recurrence in my lymph nodes. I wouldn’t have had the mx if it weren’t for the fact I’m pregnant and therefore couldn’t have the CT scan. However, the biopsy did show up that it was cancer - I know my radiographer took 3 biopsies too and said only the third was good enough to be sure it got through the suspicious tissue - I get the feeling it’s not uncommon to have a biopsy that misses the vital growth. I was told that if I weren’t pregnant I’d have a CT scan, lung xray, every test going basically as this looked like a recurrence after the biopsy. So I think what you’re experiencing is normal procedure.
I really hope the abnormality isn’t cancer. It sounds as though it might not be. But if it is, you’re not alone. It’s terrifying the second time around, but somehow I’m not as scared and certainly not as shocked as the first time.
Let me know how you get on, please come back and post. xxxx Jane
Just wanted to say on diagnosis, my surgeon said he wanted as many scans as possible to give him the full picture as otherwise it was like going on a journey without a roadmap. Unfortunately he couldn’t have all he wanted so I agreed to a risk-reducing mastectomy. But it’s good you’re getting as much information without invasion before they start treating you. xxx
thankyou vm for your prompt comment my CT is next thurs and results 3rd Aug, so for now am trying to keep a steady head during the waiting game. They did say the CT was to be absolutely clear about treatment so they don`t plough on and then find out additional info that should have been considered earlier on- which I get…I will post again when I know. x
I had lymph node involvement discovered in at my first appointment by ultrasound. They did a fine needle aspiration ad said there was cancer in the nodes. Then I had a CT scan on chest abodomen and pelvis and a bone scan. They said this was to get a full picture to plan treatment. Luckily all was clear.
Oh, I have my CT scan result today, it fortunately shows nothing odd going on elsewhere in my body- which is a relief, but also confirms my original breastcancer has metastisised (is that right word??)into small tumours in my lymph nodes. I will have to have an axillary fullnode clearance + chemo. So hugely mixed feelings, had really hoped it was a silly little lump which could be whipped out, and its not- so am devastated, but also relieved that there is nothing going on in liver bones or brain. My op will be Aug 26. We go to france with our friends on friday, so have had to tell them, need to tell my 3 kids tonight. And my boss,for all of 2 days has been just brilliant with me… as we are not getting the bestest of starts! My hubby is simply FAB.
I am a mess
oh sarah i am sorry to hear about your test results and you having to go through the operation and chemo, but glad the ct scan was clear for you. I am due my last session of 6 chemos next week, been hard but there are also many days you feel ok and can get on. Big hugs coming down my broadband to you, Vickie xxx
Thankyou soo much. You see really I know its a good outcome because it can be dealt with and it could have been a lot worse, but my emotions havent got to the sensible bit yet. I am a bit nervous about actually going through it all, and then concerned about the chemo bit as that is less specific at the mo. I guess detail will come after the main op, is that how it went for you?
Hope you can look back with relief at your final sessions as soon as-6 sounds a lot, you must be pleased to be at 6 and not 1!!! Sxx
Hi Sarah
I’m so sorry it wasn’t the news you hoped for, and it must be devastating to have got 5 years and then this - but such good news that there is no spread further than the lymph nodes. What horrible timing too - just when starting a new job (not that there is ever a good time for a recurrence). I hope you manage to enjoy your holiday and it provides a distraction for you. Chemo is doable - there will be lots of support here for you.
finty xx
So sorry it wasn’t the news you wanted. I have just finished 6 chemo a week and half ago. I was really worried about chemo and I am amazed that I actually did it. It is brutal and after my first I couldn’t imagine doing another 5 but here I am. I managed to do the schoolrun and most nights cook dinner but I decided not to try and work and was signed of sick. I had 3 FEC and 3 Docetaxel which seems pretty standard treatment for women with node involvement. It feels like a long time 4 months of my life but if it keeps the cancer away then it’s worth it. My 3 children were my reason to keep going.
i was anxious throughout and i am pretty sure my emotions havent caught up even yet and i was dx in march. Yes am pleased that i have 5 down and 1 to go rather than vice versa, but if they turned round and said there was a significant advantage to me having another 6 sessions straightaway, then i would go through it all again gladly.
hiya- its really good of you to comment, thankyou, and its good to know that actually normal things can keep on going which willbe good for my family. I have just comeback from hol today, we go with our friends and their 3 children so we are a noisy 10! Saying goodbye at the ferry today was awful, its never great but today I had this terrible realisation of whats to come and nothing is in the way now. Holiday was good, i had my moments and my own sleep was short, but we have made the most of it, because we needed to, and its important isnt it that the usual stuff keeps on going?. I am grateful for all your support. Thursday is op day. I am so scared this time around, because its different and it wasnt supposed to come back.
S xx
Hi Sarah
In addition the wonderful support you have here please do feel free to call our helpline for a ‘listening ear’ if you need one, the number is 0808 800 6000, the line is open weekdays 9-5 and Sat 9-2.
Take care
Hi Sarah, glad you had a good holiday. I will be thinking of you on Thursday when you have your operation. I have now had all of the six chemo sessions. It was rotten a lot of the time but really only one bad week each cycle for me, of which 4 were pretty yukky days. I broke it down and thought well, only six cr@p Saturdays, only 6 cr@p Sundays etc, I can do that.
I start radiotherapy in September and tamoxifen. Family life has continued. Have a look at the good days even on Chemo thread for proof.
Take care
thanks, I read the other thread, not sure what to think at the moment. Have had the op now- which went well, rather painful and am very swollen, different to the mastectomy. I am back home dealing with the trying to get better thing and having the op-site drained (yuk)etc and staying +ve, have had lots of support which is invaluable. The next thing is next thursday when we get the next set of results, so clarity on what the chemo regime will be and when etc… they mentioned perhaps radiotherapy too, and also they are testing last time cancer for sensitivity to herceptin, so not sure what all that will tell me, will need to do some research now. Oh, and that if its a hormone driven cancer again they will wnat to talk to me about taking ovaries out or something.
Its sept now, hope your next round of treatment goes ok Vickie :), Family life here has gone bananas as am not usually around so the children and their friends are keeping me busy…!!
tkae care,