About to start Radiotherapy & concerned I may whiff at bit!


Any advice please. I hope to carry on working (office based; lots of people) between my appointments (3 weeks rads coming up beg. March).

Am concerned over fact I’ve been told not to use any deoderant. I understand why, my appts generally mid/late afternoon. Has anyone used deoderant for say morning & wash it off in afternoon.

Or any reason I couldn’t at least use Simple wet wipes during day to stay fresh.

Or can you use “crystal” deoderant I’ve heard of.

Many thanks


I was told by my bcn to purchase the crystal deod for use after surgery and during rads. I think its the aluminium in the other deods that causes a prob with rads…perhaps someone else can confirm that…

I was recommended to but an aloe vera deodorant from the Macmillan centre at the hospital. it is by Forever Living and can be bought at a health food shop. It is quite ex[pensive and I had to reapply midday, but it worked really well.
Hope that helps.

I used simply wipes during the day and just before I went on the rads table and the rads nurses were happy with that. I didn’t know about Crystal deod then, but saying that I wasn’t allowed to use talc so not sure if it is just the alum in deod issue.

You can also buy sweat pads which you stick to your clothing. There are various suppliers on line.

Many thanks for advice.

I’ll call my BCN and see if the crystal deod accepted in the RT dept in Oxford (seems they all have difference preferences).

If not it may be simple wet wipes save the day.

My colleague sitting next to me advised not a problem; she can wear a peg! I don’t know how I’d get thru’ my days in the office without her sense of humour!

Her best friend just diagnosed with stage 2 cervical cancer; now she has 2 of us to support, and she does not matter how much I rabbit on.


I found that I didn’t sweat very much anyway during rads. I don’t know if it’s the same for everyone but my rads covered the very bottom of my armpit and that seemed to stop me sweating.


Only my boob being zapped, but I was warned a small area near to armpit may become sore as caught in the treatment field.

I’ll see what they say on the 1st of March.

Many thanks

Yes, that’s the area I meant. You may find it reduces your sweating.

Hi Lynne,

I was told by my hospital (Velindre Cancer Centre in Cardiff), that I could use Bionsen deo., which is aluminium-free, during rads. It is quite widely available.

All the best, Sarah.

Hi I used biosen alluminium free deoderant from boots Android was fine

I had radiotherapy during the summer and used pit rok deodorant throughout without out any problems.

Hope your treatment goes well x

my radiotherapy was to the breast and although they reommended not to use deoderant or shave i still did as it wasnt near the affeted area or feild of radiation… i used a roll-on so i could make sure where i aimed and def wouldnt have used a spray for this reason.

really you need to weigh up the pros and cons for you own personal situation.

hope the rads arent too bad
Lulu x

I finished my radiotherapy before Christmas but was really concerned about BO.
I asked right at the beginning about a crystal deodorant and was told they are fine as they are alluminium free. It is the alluminium which is the problem.
I have used PitRock (bought from Amazon) and it is brilliant.Continuing to use it and it is totally effective.

Hope this helps

Hi Ihad my first fec chemotherapy 3 weeks ago and my ankles swelled up . First of all they said itwas cellulitis and gave me antibiotics but they didn’t work. The swelling spread right up my leg and is very painful. They gave me diuretics which haven’t melped and my legs are very painful all the time. I’ve been taking co codomol for the pain but that’s not working now. I’m due at the hospital again on Wednesday.I’m at my wits end with the pain. Anybody else had the same problem?

Hi everyone

This is my first post. I had the first of 15’zaps’yesterday (high grade DCIS) and was advised not to use deoderant or shave under the arm. Has anyone else been told the same thing? This is (was!) a daily shower routine for me. I know it’s only a small thing but it just adds insult to injury! I know I shouldn’t wash the breast with ordinary soap but when you’re in the shower it’s difficult to prevent shower gel, shampoo running onto it (not sure if that would irritate?). Anyway, as I was told you could use Aqueous cream to wash with,(bit odd?) I slapped a load on before showering this morning and I hope this might protect it a bit?

Can anyone tell me where to buy the Crystal deoderant please?

By the way, I’ve been told that the Pound Shop sells tubs of Aqueous cream!

Hi Jacs Had rads last Aug in very hot weather.Was told to use Simple bar soap in shower and still do it’s great.I did not seem to perspire, despite the hot weather, and have always been very conscious of this and wet underarm areas on clothing too prior to this.No probs and no deodarant either.In Nov I went on a holiday to a very hot place and still did not need deodarant and I do have a keen sense of smell.Even my clothing was dry .).).) I think chemo and rads did something here. I have just started using a paraben free bar from LUSH as I feel I now need it. So see how you go. Re the acqueos cream I used it about 4 x a day during rads and for a long while after. When I got back from rads bra off cream on and loose camisole cotton top on as far as poss.I think we are all different but in my case am sure chemo and ANC had an effect. Please do not worry about this unduly J xx

I used simple soap and a soft synthetic baby sponge to wash during rads.(20 zaps altogether inc. 5 boosters) I also had baths with simple bath foams as this is one of my pleasures all with no ill-effects. Did not wear a bra at all for the 4 weeks of rads and 2 weeks after to prevent any chaffing, just slapped a thick layer of aqueous cream on and covered with a large cotton hankie or similar and wore cotton camisoles. No problems at all except the inevitable pinkness. Did continue "cooking " for a few weeks after finished though. I bought Pit Rock Crystal deodorant from a large Boots about £6, although I prefer Biosen roll-on. Good Luck to all with rads. Marli.x

Thanks for the advice ladies. This is great, I suddenly don’t feel so lonely x


My BCN has just left a message she confirmed OK to use the Crystal rock deo.

Just in time as I start my rads tomorrow; have to find time to go to Boots (over the road from my office) at lunchtime.
