Hi everyone. I received an email from Gov.uk a few weeks ago to say that if I contracted Covid I might be eligible for free anti - virals . There was a code to input in event of me catching Covid . When I tested positive on Saturday I did this and had a message back to say someone would be in touch in 24 hours. Someone rang yesterday and after I explained that I had hypertension and asthma and that I had undergone both breast surgery and radiotherapy within the last 6 months she said that yes I would be eligible and a Consultant would call me. Since then - nothing. I rang my surgery this morning who told me I would probably need a PCR test and I should ring 119. 119 were sympathetic but said I didn’t need a PCR test and they could not refer me for treatment and to ring my Surgery my Specialist or 111 . I called 111 who were nice said it’s a new procedure but I still have to jump through the hoops and I’m waiting for a call back from a Paramedic which I have to go through before I can speak to a Dr. I’m very frustrated now - if I wasn’t entitled to the treatment I’d get on with it like everyone else but there’s that niggle in my mind that says I should have the treatment if I can as I need to make sure I’m not stuck feeling fatigued as I was after radiotherapy.
Has anyone else any experience of this process / been offered treatment and been unable to get it or had difficulty getting it ? Or been able to get it easily.