Access to Latest Cancer Treatments!

Hi all

Just wanted to update you all, since posting the following petition at No 10 we have had a tremendous response so far, we have over 1600 signatures of support.

But we really need more if we are to have any chance of making an impact with regard to the Postcode Lottery of accessing Cancer Treatments.

It is so vitally important that we highlight this whole issue of accessing Cancer treatments, for all cancer patients now and in the future.

The recently published Cost of Cancer report states the UK’s death rate is ‘still around 6% higher than the European average’.

The spending on cancer medicines in the UK is only about 60% of that in other advanced European countries. ‘The relatively poor take-up of new treatments’ is one of the reasons listed contributing to the higher death rate’.

If you haven’t already signed, please will you sign the petition and pass the link onto all your contacts urging them to sign and to pass on the link to all their contacts to do the same.

It will only take a minute and will make such a difference in the future if we can all have access to Newer Cancer Treatments.

Many thanks


Time to give this another bump, perhaps.




Sorry, really rubbish with technology!

I signed the petition last week, but don’t know how to send the link to Friends. Can someone tell me what I do?
Esme x


If you go into the petition and copy the web address in the box at the top of your screen, you can paste it into an e-mail to your friends.

This is it, btw. It’s on 1741 now.

Ann x

Thanks Ann,

Will give it a bash!
Esme x