Access to Work Scheme?

I just wondered if anyone had any experience of the ‘Access to Work’ scheme?


My OH dept have suggested I contact them and they have agreed to come out and do an assessment. I think the main challenges are lymphodema, fatigue and dizziness which is likely to be treatment-related. It’s been hard to accept that I need support but also hard because I don’t want to have unrealistic expectations about what support might be available. To be honest, work so hard been thnking of going off sick again, even though I still feel I have a contribution to make and enjoy aspects of it, I am finding the pace and expectations of others very hard to manage. Although my manager agrees I can work from home, in practice, this just seem to work very well.


Be good to know if anyone else has had a (hopefully positive) experience?


Thanks, Rattles

Hi Rattles


I had my Access to Work assessment last week and I have to say it was a really positve experience and I cant wait to get all the things discussed.  To help me at work my assessor has recommended:


  • an electrical adjustable desk as I have stiff and painful joints

  • an ergonomic chair  for same reason as above

  • air cooler  as I have constant hot flushes

  • a natural light lamp to combat fatigue and depression

  • electric hole punch and stapler to reduce stress on arm

  • lightweight laptop and ergonomic mouse and mat for the same reason as above

  • designated parking space for obvious reasons

etc,etc, etc 

I didn’t know what to expect and thought it was great to have someone assess me in the context of my place of work.  It has taken away the need for me to ask for things or feel like a complainer.  As cancer sufferers/survivers we are protected under the same legislation as the disabled and under the Equality Act, employers are required to make reasonable adjustments.  I would urge everyone in our situation to have an Access to Work assessment.  I am also having a Vocational consultant from Remploy help me develop an action plan to support my mental well being during my return to work.  This too is paid for through Access to Work.  You might want to mention this to you assessor when you see him/her.


Hope this helps