account sent

I had axillary node clearance in november following a masectomy in october. In december I received an account for the pathology on the nodes. I rang the consultants secretary who said she would sort it out. Last week I got a reminder and phoned the finance dept. explaining I was a national health patient. Today I received a notice saying it was being placed in the hands of a debt collection agency. Now I not only have to fight cancer but will have to try to potect my credit rating as well. It never rains but it pours.

Dear Val

I am sorry to read about this, if you feel it would help you are welcome to call our helpline for some advice on 0808 800 6000 which is open until 2pm today and Mon-Fri 9am-5pm.

Best wishes


Quite new to all this but I cant say I have seen your problem mentioned anywhere on this site? I am sure that one of the lovely ladies on here will shortly be in touch if they have some feed back for you

Seding love & Hugs



I can’t believe this. If you are an NHS patient then there is no way you should be charged. Usual NHS cock up by the sound of it. Phone PALS (patient advocacy and Liaison Service) at the hospital in the morning and get them to sort this out for you. PALS is there to act as an intermediatry in the complaints area and i have found them to be good at sorting out problems.
I am quite horrified for you.
good luck.