

Hi, how are doing you? How are you healing? Is the wait between your surgery and your definate results as bad as the wait for the core hiopsy results or worse.
I am asking as I am about two weeks behind you, due to surgeon being on holiday. I am still working at present and feel that this is the right thing for me - hopefully it will mean the time will go quicker!!!
Hope you are relaxing and enjoying the sunshine.

Hi Anne

I am doing really well. The District Nurse took my drain out yesterday, which was great. I went to a barbecue at my friend’s house last night and am going out for a meal tonight. I now just have a dressing on each wound and they don’t hurt at all. Obviously, I am being careful not to knock them or do anything too strenuous. The dressing under my arm is slightly uncomfortable, but that is just the tape pulling on the skin. I also have to be careful not to do too much as I get a bit light headed if I do.

I am trying not to worry too much about the results on Tuesday. I just keep thinking, if the lymph nodes are clear, I will never complain about anything again. I used to moan about the size of my boobs (36D and I am only 5ft 2). They suddenly seemed a lot more attractive when I thought I might lose one! I know that no matter what the results are, there is always a chance it will come back in the future, but if I can get through this with what I have had so far and just radiotherapy, I will feel like the luckiest person alive. From reading this site and meeting others in hospital, there is always someone a lot worse off than yourself, that’s for sure. If it has spread, then I will be really disappointed but I will deal with it.

Yes, I am so lucky that the sun has shone all week, which has meant I can sit in the garden. My husband is a keen gardener, so it is really lovely. He says it is about time I appreciated it!

I think you are right to keep working. That is what I did and it helped to keep some sort of normality. I’m sorry you have a had to wait. I think that is the worse bit about it all - the waiting. I know you will be fine, though. If you have any more questions let me know. I will give you an update on Tuesday.

Lots of love.
