Aches & Pains
Aches & Pains Hello everyone.
I’m sure I posted this last week, but cann’t find it, so… here I go again!
I finished chemotherapy & radiotherapy in July - all well and good. However, I’ve started getting achy joints in my hands - they swell up during the night. My MAIN problem though, is that my right wrist joint keeps “popping out” (no, not for a drink!). It’s really painful when it does. I wear a wrist support but cannot wear this ALL the time.
Does anybody know if this is me just getting old, due to an early menopause due to chemo or maybe, something else?
Your thoughts would be welcomed.
Oh, Happy New Year to you all… this time last year, I didn’t think I would be here!!!
Aching hands Hi Ann
I wake every morning with aching joints in my fingers and have to rub and ‘pull’ them to get them feeling OK. I wasn’t sure if it was arthritis, because I’m getting old, or something to do with the Arimidex, I’ve been getting aches in my neck and shoulders too. However I’ve only been on it for one month and would have thought it would take longer for any side effects to happen.
Haven’t had any problems with my wrist though - sounds painful.
P.S. Happy New Year to you too.
Painful hands and feet Hallo Ann,
I finished treatment last July - was on the Tango trial, EC/Taxol plus Gem then radiotherapy. As I was oestrogen negative, I am not on any post-treatment drugs.
I suffered bad joint pains for about two days each time after the taxol was administered.
However, six months after treatment I am suffering acute ‘arthritis-like’ symptoms in my feet and hands particularly. Getting out of bed, or up from a chair and starting to move is particularly difficult. And I considered myself exceptionally fit before this. Does anyone else (particularly those that have gone through a similar drug regime) - have similar problems? Is this temporary, or can the treatment trigger arthritis?
Were you on the Tango trial too, Ann.
Best wishes for the coming year, Lin49
taxol pains —I too was on the tango trial -EC +Taxol +Gemcitibine 8x3 and I also am on the Azure trial so I had Zoledronic acid with each cycle and this is followed up by 3 monthly ‘extras’.
I had the most recent one on Friday and Ive been very achey again indeed. So much so that it recalled the first days of Taxol for me. I often had to get out of bed in stages this time last year.
Happily this has generally got a lot better as I started to get out and about a bit more.I have a new job now and work on the second floor and I ‘try’ to take the stairs as often as possible -plus the car park is miles from the building so I definitely get more exercise than I used to do.
However ,I am finding that I ‘set’ more often if I stay in one position for a time. I have to make sure that I have some stretching /exercise every so often. I dont think this is arthritis though as it only came on with the Taxol .
— Hi,
I’m on Tamoxifen and Zolodex. If I sit too long my knees and ankles seeze up. Getting out of bed in the morning can also be a bit of a problem and have to come down the stairs sideways! I also wake up in the night with pins and needles in my hands but it soon wares off. I’ve always put it down to the Hormone Treatment and just try to ignore it (but this isn’t so easy sometimes). My Oncologist said it was arthritis but I refuse to believe this as I’m only 34!
Tracey xx
— Hi Granmum
I had achy joints too for a while following treatment but following a course of gentle physio I am no longer in pain. I do hope you get some relief soon, it’sno fun being in pain.
My aching knees I’m on Tamoxifen and I find that my knees ache, particularly when I’m going up and down stairs.
I’ve been taking glucosamine - it seems to have relieved the symptoms a little. When it gets too bad, I admit, I hit the Nurofen.
Hope you feel better.
— Hi I finished my treatment 2 days before xmas and I started tamoxifen in november. 2 weeks after I started it I had really painful joints especially hips and knees. After talking to my breastcare nurse she recommended i go on to Nolvadex D. Because more and more younger women are showing signs of joint pain on Tamoxifen. Nolvadex D is still tamoxifen but in a purer form. I did this and have substanially less joint pain.
I too take all the supplements. Hope this helps.