Achey and shivery

Hi all,
I’m currently awaiting my op and have been dealing with things quite well I feel, not dwelling too much and just getting on with life. However today I feel really achey and shivery all over, I can’t get warm and I’ve also had a bad stomach. Are these symptoms or do I have a bug, do you reckon? All I’ve had so far are biopsies, going for an MRI on tues.
Thank you in advance

Hi Julie
I have had BC for some time, not that it makes me an expert, but I don’t think your symptoms are related. You may have a bug of some kind. No-one can advise you on medical matters except someone qualified, but it would surprise me if it had anything to do with your situation. I hope you get relief from these symptoms and get your strength back for your operation. All the best for it and keep the positivity going. Bumpkin

Thanks very much for that Bumpkin, I feel quite reassured by what you’ve said. Thanks for taking the time and I really hope you overcome this!

Hi Julie, I’m inclined to agree with Bumpkin that it’s not related.
Not down-playing your symptoms in any way but could it be stress related?
Good luck on tues:)
x x

Thanks for your replies girls. Glad to say I’m feeling a lot better and back on a positive track again. Sending you all grateful hugs and best wishes for your journeys xxx