Hi I’m feeling a bit fed up at the moment due to an aching arm. It is my “at risk” one and also my dominent one and I am finding it very frustrating. I can’t do any lifting, use scissors etc. It isn’t swollen and the skin is fine. I saw a lymphoedema nurse in April who said nothing to worry about, but it’s getting more painful. i feel reluctant to contact the BCN again so soon and my OH thinks I just have to accept it and get on with life.
HI there
I saw a lymphodema nurse last week and although the swelling in my arm is only slight, she gave me a sleeve to wear when I feel I need it.
My arm really aches too, especially by the end of the day or after strenuous activity. She said aching is one of the first signs of lymphodema and the sleeve can help. I came away really pleased I’d gone - she said to wear the sleeve as and when I feel I need it, either in advance of activity or when it was feeling heavy or achey.
I reckon go back, see the nurse again, ask for a sleeve - maybe it will help.
Does your hospital offer bioimpedance testing for lymphodema? They have just started to offer this in our PCT and it detects lymphodema before any clinical signs are visible at stage 0.
Hi all,
I had a mastectomy 6 years ago, with further surget 2 years ago, and my arm aches a lot, especially if I have “overdone” it which i try not to do but sometimes get so p****d off with it i end up doing stuff i shouldn’t. As no swelling i never thought of asking about a sleeve, but it sounds a good idea, and I’m going to ask when i go for my check-up next month. Thanks for that.
Saw GP yesterday and I have not got lymphoedema - I have got tennis elbow!!! yippee. I do agree with his diagnosis.
Have been told to use ibuprofen gel and given specific exercise to do. If after 3w no better he did offer steroid injection, although he knows this is my “at risk” arm!! I don’t think so.