Acid reflux side effect of Letrozole

Good morning,

When I googled Letrozole and heartburn/acid reflux I found some replies on this forum that linked the two, and what a relief it was that it’s just yet another side effect, and not something more sinister. I have since found out that it is most prevalent in women 60+ who have been taking Letrozole for 2/3 years…that’s me!

I saw recommendations for cider vinegar tablets, but with everything I take now I worry about whether it will affect the efficacy of Letrozole?

Have any of you had medical advice on this…and does it work? Only I am chewing chalky tablets like they are sweets at the moment!

Thank you in advance for your help.

Hi Kaz_O

Thank you for your comment. One of our clinical nurses might be able to answer these questions about your treatment and side effects. You can post this message in the Ask Our Nurses section of the Forum where they’ll be able to respond directly to it.

In the meantime, I’m sure our Forum community users will be along shortly to pick up the conversation :slight_smile:

Sending you our very best wishes,


 Hello Kaz-O I was on letrozole for nearly 3 years, prior to that Arimidex. I am now on tamoxifen and will be for the next nine months until I reach five years. In answer to your question yes inhibitors definitely cause reflux. I have struggled with it daily for the last four years. Along with multiple other unwanted side effects.  The only thing that keeps me compliant is the fear of a reoccurrence.  The thing that I find that works, although not all together completely, is a Prilosec in the morning and then a Pepcid AC after lunch. I have also cut out many food items that cause reflux such as spicy foods, anything with wheat in it, dairy and nuts. Those are my triggers. Hopefully you are finding some relief. These drugs are very hard to take even though we know they are helping us fight the breast cancer. Reach out if you need to talk. 

I am suffering terribly from Reflux. I changed my Letrozole brand about 10 days ago, hoping it would make a difference. Thought I was getting better. Then tonight acid is worse. I havent had anything spicy. I am drinking herbal tea and decaf tea, and lots of water. Haven’t had chocolate in weeks and hardly any alcohol. It is really getting me down. I suffered now and again prior to diagnosis and have been on regular medication. Been to GP who changed my medication with no effect

I have just been searching if anyone else had acid reflux getting worse while on letrozole and came across your post , I see it is from 2019 but it described my symptoms too. I have been on letrozole for 2 years and have a history of gastritis but nothing like I have had in last few weeks. I too am 68 so fit your description too. I wonder if you still read these posts, you could tell me how you went on in years after this post. Anyone else out there who is suffering with acid reflux could offer any advice. I am currently on famotidine twice a day (and take gaviscon in between if needed ) which was prescribed 3 weeks ago .

I develiped gastritis 3 years after starting on letrozole…nit sure if theres a connection??? …i too was on 2 famotidine a day , but now only take when i feel i need ( not often) …its all calmed down now…hope yours does too

I’m on Anastrazole , I get it sometimes but seems to have calmed down lately .

Thankyou for your reply, it helps me to know I am not on my own with this! I do think it is related to the letrozole , never had it this bad before. Do you mind me asking how long you took 2 famotidine tablets a day for and how long it took to make a difference? I have taken it before just now and again when needed but having taken it for 3 weeks now , gastritis still causing me grief! I am watching very carefully what I eat and only small meals too as some things tend to set it off badly. Thankyou

8 weeks x 2 famotidine a day…then a further 8 weeks on 1 a day …now as and when…noticed an improvement after around 1 month

Thankyou so much for the info. , very useful for me .
If you have any other suggestions or things that might help, I would be v grateful so just send my way

Letrozole has given me so many problems in last 2 years - well, I tend to put health problems down to that as most of them I didn’t have before ! Thanks again

Im on blissel gel ( vaginal hormone ) …my onc is fine with this as its not systemic …ive had less utis and menopause symptoms since starting this …on which i blame letrozole.
I take a goid daily probiotic for vaginal health

Thanks again for replying , appreciate your input - it sounds like we have had similiar problems too. I used estriol prior to my diagnosis on account of UTI’s . However I was told to stop by my consultant and a horrible year followed with constant UTI’s and pelvic pain which was investigated and nothing mysterious was found. Again , I have blamed letrozole ! I haven’t had one for about a year but this last week I have had pelvic pain again so it just never ends !! I was never given any ideas how to ease or prevent this
Do you think your probiotic helps your symptoms ?

I began suffering with acid reflux 2yrs after starting Letrazole, and have found Peppermint Tea to be the only relief. You can also get peppermint oil tablets in health food stores but I have found the tea to be much better.

Hope this helps x

Thankyou for your reply, will certainly give it a try. Do you drink peppermint tea regularly or when the acid reflux starts ?

I drink just one cup a day, that has been working for me. Some days I don’t think to have a cup (coffee is my go to) but then if I feel the heart burn or flux I’ll have the peppermint tea. If you invest in a good organic one they are much nicer and easier to drink.