acne like rash day after Gemcitabine

Hi everyone.

I started Taxol Gemcitabine regime last week and have felt really weird and not in control of my body since. I take 8mg of steroids every day and have halved these to see if it part of the problem. I had my day 8 Gemcitabine on Friday and got the most horrendous acne like rash on my face, neck and back (it had been slightly there for a couple of days previously).

Has anyone else had this happen to them. Spoke to Chemo hotline who weren’t sure so went to out-of0hours dr and saw a nurse and said she wasn’t sure. Gave me an antihisamine and it did settle till about 5pm yest.

I feel a bit alone and no one seems to be helping me. I don’t know whether its an allergic reaction to the chemo.

Do steroids make everything happen quickly as maybe I am having a reaction to them as everything is fast pace like I am drugged as on a high, have no control of any of my senses, no feel to pain, my fingers are numb tothe first joint and tha happened 2 days after the chemo!! Something weird is going on and I have no one to talk to. I am really scared as I don’t know if its the effect of chemo or steroids!

If anyone knows of anyone I can talk to or has any of these symptoms I would love to hear from you. Its not me in my skin.

Hope this makes sense. I feel like I am going mad, loads of things at once and no control of life!


Hi Millie

I didn’t have the same chemo as you, but on steroids I got a bright red face and chest so it may be similar type of thing, and the other side effects of steroids are what I had too. Just think that it’s only for a short time.

I know what you mean about no one helping you. We put so much trust in the health professionals to know what they’re doing when they give us toxic chemicals, but it seems that they all know about their little bit of the equation rather than the whole picture, so when you have a problem no one quite knows how to help - this has been my experience anyhow.

Hope you’re feeling a bit better now

