acupuncture question
acupuncture question I’ve been having acupuncture monthly for about 7 months now for menopausal symptoms and anxiety…after having my session yesterday , in which acupuncturist put needle in right wrist, i have quite extensive bruising around that area…could anyone tell me if this sometimes happens or wether i should ring her and tell her?
Hi Karen Hi Karen
I have had several accupuncture sessions and have never been bruised, so perhaps you should mention it. Do you mind if I ask if you get it done on the NHS or private?
Do you think it helps for anxiety?
Best wishes
Love Lesley x
Bruising I’ve been having acupuncutre for side effects of chemo and now for any side effects from tamoxifen. I got a small bruise on one occasion on my left wrist just below my thumb. I also remember that it bled slightly when the therapist took the needle out. At the next session, she avoided that particular area. I don’t bruise easily. I’ve not had that problem before or since.Just seems to have been one of those things. I’d mention it to your acupunturist all the same.
Thank you both for your replies I have contacted my acupuncturist who said this can sometimes happen in this area due to the amount of tiny blood vessels…was very apologetic too.
Lesley…I go Private…my local Breast Cancer Support Group subsidises the cost of the first 5 sessions so only have to pay £10 at moment…not sure if it helps anxiety completely but it definetly helps.
A question re: acupuncture If you’ve had ANC, can they put acupuncture needles in the affected arm?
ANC arm. I’m having acupuncture (since August ) and I always have a few small bruises and red marks where the needles have gone in. But I do bruise easily.
Doctor Cheng who does my acu doesn’t put the needles in my operated arm where I had my ANC so hope that answers your question Mel.
Thanks, Michelle - just something that occurred to me as I was reading your posts!