
So sorry. Please don’t upset yourself over this, most important thing is that you’re dealing with it now. Carrying this extra emotional baggage in your head is draining and unnecessary. I think you’ll feel much better explaining to your breast care nurse that you found the lump much earlier but didn’t suspect the possibility of cancer at the time. No one will judge you but the age of the lump may help in determining how aggressive it is.

I have just kind of realised that I didn’t give myself cancer and that it was already there. I was blaming myself for the actual cancer, as well. The doc said it has most likely been there up to a year so they know how aggressive it.

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I’m similar I think. Have beaten myself up over alcohol, smoking for a few years as a youngster and too much sunbathing !!!
Although I know logically that we all have a inbuilt pre disposition for any cancer that then is influenced or suppressed by any number of lifestyle and environmental issues.
It’s human nature I guess to blame yourself, but certainly doesn’t make it any easier !!!

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My sister went as soon as she found a lump and it was still grade 3 - as others have said, changes happen slowly so you can’t be certain it what grade it was in March (hence years between mammograms to check for changes). Doctors are unlikely to be able to say with certainty how long it has been there or how long it has been grade 3. I know loads of people who have waited months before going to get lumps checked - some through fear, others as they thought they were overreacting/ it was nothing.
My sister’s was stage 3 & 25mm, triple positive; also detected in lymph nodes - almost 8yrs ago and she still has the all clear :blush:

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I can relate to this @Vibby - I have drank & smoked too much over the years so felt it should have been me not my sister when she was diagnosed (she’s been tee total from 18yr old, never smoked & eats a much healthier diet than me)

8yrs later, I was diagnosed so now my daughter has the genetics questionnaire to complete. I felt so guilty every time I heard the ads ref alcohol & breast cancer (and they seemed to be on the radio every 5mins after my diagnosis)
Yes alcohol and nicotine are risk factors but my sister still got it at 45year old without them :smirk:


I guess so. I suppose it’s human nature to search to make sense of what happens to us.
I’ve found the psychological side of BC so much harder than anything that’s ever happened to me before.
No cancer in my family at all, and BC was always my worst scenario, with the thought of mastectomy being the very worst. I’ve avoided that so far, but I know that it could still happen if I have a recurrence.
I’m sure I’ll be seeking support professional and otherwise when I get to the moving on from BC bit.
I think for me it’s partly been the timing of my retirement, winter and just not having much on currently to distract me.
I’m very fortunate in many ways, as I have few commitments, but too much time on my own has definitely not helped

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Thank you. I’m hoping this is just a blip on life’s road and like your sis, I can move on from his path very shortly

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Hi can I ask whether you have any updates have you had your ct scan etc? I was diagnosed with grade 3 invasive dc yesterday. I’m waiting on my ct scan.


Hey so my ct scan was clear apartt from a area around my sinuses apparently it showed up on a mri a year ago but no one discussed it with me :woman_facepalming: so ive seen a ent doctor to rule anything sinister out :pray:. I had surgery tues lumpectomy and lymph nodes removal so waiting on results. Do you have it in the lymph nodes ? Sending hugs :people_hugging::heartpulse:

Yes I do, it’s so nerve wracking the waiting x

Hi Kat, I was offered my surgery for December 13th but because I don’t want my grandchildren knowing and Christmas coming up I asked if it could be delayed. Then offered January 3rd only for it to be cancelled because of the junior doctors strike and ended up waiting until January 31st. Trust me I gave myself hell for not taking the first date and believed the cancellation was my punishment. Stupid I know but we all do stupid things. So stop beating yourself up, you are not alone xxxxx

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Don’t feel like that. My doctor and everyone around me said the key thing is I went to see the doctor now so I can get treatment. I did far worse and just went to see the doctor last week and biopsy came back as cancer. I don’t much else but be strong and you are not alone in this.

I’m much much older than all of you youngsters (77) and still can’t accept I have breast cancer 3 months down that long road. I’ve had my lumpectomy and SLNB and I’ve also now been told I have skin cancer. But I digress- I bumped into a neighbour recently and she immediately said “I’m sorry you have breast cancer, is it the serious kind?” Slight pause as I was a bit taken aback and couldn’t think of an answer, then she said “How long have they given you?”
Thankfully I was in a good place that morning.


Jesus @nannabee I’ve heard some insensitive comments but that is a doozy. I mean, how do you respond to that?

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@Tigress - I didn’t respond, I was dumb struck, just walked off. Even now I am sitting here shaking my head at her stupidity.


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