Advanced Breast Cancer Study

The ABC4Nurses Project group are conducting a Delphi study to identify the topics that cancer nurses should be educated about in order to provide high-quality care to people living with advanced breast cancer.

People living with advanced breast cancer experience significant physical and psychological symptoms, requiring specialist cancer nursing care. In partnership with people affected by advanced breast cancer, this study aims to obtain consensus on the topics and content of an online education programme for cancer nurses about advanced breast cancer.

They would like to hear from:
a) people who are living with advanced or metastatic breast cancer
b) Health professionals with experience looking after people living with advanced or metastatic breast cancer
c) Researchers with experience in the field of advanced or metastatic breast cancer
d) Advocacy or patient rights professionals with experience supporting women living with advanced or metastatic breast cancer
e) family members or caregivers of a people who are living with advanced or metastatic breast cancer

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