Advice on Chemo


I will starting my chemo on 13th February and would like just an insight to it. I will be having rads as well and also HER+ and also will have tamoxifen. I am stll having my back drained so this could delay the chemo as they took a lot of yesterday.

When do you generally feel unwell is it the day after etc?

Have read the tips and have got some of the items mentioned.Thank you for these they have been useful.

ONC nurse has been through it all with me but still mind blowing have read the leaflet that they give you for the treatment that I will be having E-CMF.

My son will be going on a football tour to Devon at the beginning of May part of me wants to go but part says dont due to the chemo. Hopefully would have had at least 2 treatments. Is it too early to go away? Would be staying in chalets.

Wig on order.

Best wishes to you all.

Thank you

Hi Sharon

I am on the Epi-CMF regime which I think is the same as you ? I have just had my first one 10 days ago.

I felt sick within a few hours of treatment but was only sick once that first night - just felt sick most of the time -and was still up in the morning to do the school run. The sickness tablets and steroids definatley do the job. Then for about the first 4 days I just felt very tired and achy but was not bed bound and had the feeling sick if I did not eat regularly. I am feeling fine at the moment.

I did have a booster injection after 24hrs of treatment to boost my white cells as I am on a trial that accelerates the Epi to once every 2 weeks instead of 3 weeks and my chemo nurse said this would mask some of the normal side effects.

But all in all its been very managable. I have got a couple of small mouth ulcers and thrush (down below !) which i belive are side effects but nothing major yet.

I think once you have had your first treatment you will have a better idea about how you will be affected and which days of the cycle you need to rest more. This may help you make your decision about going away.

Good luck

Lisa x

Hi Sharon - Good luck for your treatments, somehow it feels better once you are “underway”. As Lisa says, everyone reacts differently, and after the first time you might have a better idea on how you will feel in May, more likely than not it would do you the world of good to have a break and have something to look forward to. First few days seem to be the most difficult for most people, and then often they feel pretty normal week two and three. If it’s any encouragement to you I am travelling from Australia to UK for a week after my third FEC (a week after it), and feeling confident that I will manage that. Lisa - good luck for all your treatment as well. Love to you both - Sarah x

Hi Sharon, I often went away during chemo .A 200 mile drive to visit friends and family was quite the norm.It kept me busy and took my mind off the chemo.Infact I loved my little car and dont know what I’d have done without it. Just before my last chemo I drove up to Birmingham from West Wales stayed two nights with family, then made the mistake of driveing down to kent via central London in the rush hour!!..I made it eventually, but dont think I’d do it again.Good luck with your chemo…and fingers crossed that you sail through it like me.

Love Josie x

Hi to you all

Thank you for responding to my questions.

Its nice to know that out there are people who are going through the same. Even though I have a great support network with me they don’t know how it feels even though I tell them and dont say it all.

As for the football tour well will leave it to the last minute I do want to go to see my boy play.
Lisa - Good luck with number 2
Sarah - have a lovely time in Australia you lucky thing x
Josie - Well done for driving in cental London hope it was not to much hassle.

You all are an inspiration !!
