Advice on early Menopause

Hi all
I’m just about to go through third cycle of AC ( of 4) before going onto 4 cycles of Taxol. So far not too bad side effects - apart from the revolting shedding of hair and now a bald patch at top of head! But I’m concerned about the the early menopause. I’m only 41 and feel too young to have the menopause. Does it always come? If so at what point in the treatment? I just want to get myself ready for any of the side effects so any experiences gratefully received.

On the hair thing - were your experiences that it fell out at once or is it every cycle that a bit more comes out? Mine has stopped shedding now but i wanted to know if it is likely to shed again before taking the decision to shave it all off!

Thanks a lot - and Kelly (Princess18) if you are reading this well done for finishing the treatment !

Just go with the flow chica all you can do. I had killer hot flushes on chemo…but used them as ‘menopause practice’ lol. Im only 30 and really not ready to go through it, but hey poo happens. My periods carried on through chemo…blooming thing…and even now on tamoxifen they are still happening. Its weird cos there are bets on each month wether or not it will arrive or not. I have been getting a few hot flushes, but nothing major, they tend to really happen a few days before my period starts…and i have been contemplating streaking round the garden lol. Everyones bodies are different and it hits you in different ways…mines just plain obnoxious. Im going ‘cold turkey’ menopause in 2 weeks as im having a total hysterectomy done…told you my body was just obnoxious…so that could be interesting.
As for the hair thing…mine lasted until just after my 2nd treatment of epi…the itchiness drove me loopy…but made the decision to shave it all off when i broke the hoover (dyson animal one lol)…so if the hoover broke after trying to keep up with my hair loss…time for it all to come off. Felt a lot better afterwards, no more itching so was pure relief…weird at first, but soon got used to it. The strangest feeling was when it started to grow back when i was coming to the end of my cmf chemo…took youngest to nursery and the wind was blowing…felt well weird to feel it being ruffled…only a slight ruffle, but a ruffle all the same.

Hi Greatpercy,

ah thanks v.much!!!

I am 35 and my periods continued throughout chemo, pretty much regular as clockwork. Mind you, I was on E-CMF, although I doubt that makes a difference. I was warned they may stop but thankfully they never did! Starting Tamoxifen in 3 weeks and they’re now convinced that that won’t make them dissappear either!

As far as hair goes, mine came out in a oner, 2 days after my 2nd Epi. I had already got my boyfriend to shave it off for me which did help, although I was still totally gutted! It was a relief when it had all gone though as my scalp was so sore prior to that.

Take care of yourself,


I am 45, and had 4 FEC & 4 Taxotere. My periods continued as normal - I had one during chemo no 6 (eary August) - and now nothing since, so I’m assuming that’s it. I’m having hot flushes, worse in the evening. I sleep on a ‘chillow pillow’ to keep my head cool at night (available from Amazon).

As for your hair, you will probably find that the Taxol causes the rest to go. I was told that if I didn’t lose my hair with FEC (which I did anyway) I certainly would with Taxotere, and Taxol is a very similar drug. My hair came out over a two week period roughly. I resisted shaving the remnants off for a while, but when I finally did it felt so much better, so my advice would be to get rid of it as soon as you need to start wearing a scarf or wig.

Having finished chemo in the middle of September, I am now waiting for signs of regrowth - none so far

Fingers crossed


Re. menopause concerns; I stopped taking tamoxifen after 18mths under the impression that it might bring on menopause early.
Since then Ive had new cancer, had to have chemo [which DID bring it on, in my case - how ironic] and a second mastectomy w. reconstr.
Its not good knowing that I MAY have been able to avoid all that if Id got better advice before stopping taking my tablets.
I only ever saw members of of surgical dept [Ive since realised!] who didnt seem interested in that part of my treatment, so I thought it wasnt that important.
I would beg any of you to consult doctors fully - insist on seeing an oncologist if you havnt already, and you can always get 2nd opinions - before making decisions about any treatments, whether they seem major or minor.

love and luck to you all Alex