Advice on reconstruction at same time as mastectomy

Hi I am 33 and newly diagnosed with extensive high grade DCIS. I am having a mastectomy and my consultant is trying to push for an immediate reconstruction so I won’t wake without my breast. I wondered about people’s opinions on this and if it is best to wait and have the breast reconstructed at a later date, although am nervous about two lots of surgery. I am due to have three weeks of radiotherapy post mastectomy also.
Please let me know of your experiences

I had a right mastectomy in 2011 and had a saline expander put in at the same time.I’m only small breasted so hoped an implant would be sufficient .I went every two /four weeks for additional saline to be input to stretch the skin then had an implant put in, I think it was 6months later.Apart from the initial discomfort of the skin feeling stretched for afew hours after every saline input,therest of the experience was a breeze.Iwent back to the surgeon for my annual review and he said he would exchange the implantfor a bigger one if I wanted but I’d come to terms with it not really looking like a boob after 12 months and I hadn’t had a nipple put on it by that time  although he did offer.I am  a lot older than you though.

I’m due for my annual review in two weeks and I know he will offer again but I’ve got really comfortable with my ‘look’ so I don’t think I’ll bother with any more surgery but it’s nice to know that they will still offer it this long after surgery.However there are some pretty underwear sets with partial gel fillings that do the job perfectly.

My whole experience of breast cancer has been a breeze and I’m glad I’m a survivor.

Good luck with your journey and contact me any time ,if you want to .Carole

I was diagnosed July 2013 had surgery aug 28th 2013 mx with immediate reconstruction. I must say for me it was the best thing as I still appeared NORMAL. For me I coped better thinking I looked ok from the outside even if inside I was failing to bits. A year on I feel that I did what was right and the pain although not bad was all over and done with. Hope this helps you to make the right decision for you. Xx

I had immediate recon following diagnosis of high grade dcis in February, I had implant with strattice, and nipple removed. It made all the difference to me to still have a boob shape. I have recently had fat transfer from thighs to fill in deep dent on upper pole of implant and uplift to good boob which has made a massive difference. Have decided against the nipple sharing op and am booked in for nipple tattooing in February, it’s taken a while to get used to the feel of the implant and it doesn’t feel part of me but it looks good.

Thanks. I’m going for a lymph node Axilla scan on wed and then have discussions from there. That’s all I wanted was a bit of normality and waking up with a ‘breast’ would be better than having nothing. I’m hoping they will reconstruct there and then. Thanks again x

Thanks. I’m hoping they will do the recon immediately but will find out wed x

Not sure of any plan after today. I’ve had a biopsy of my lymph node… They think there’s only 1% chance it’s malignant and then may need a slnb dependant on result. It’s a waiting game really. Thanks for
The support x



I had an mx, node clearance and immediate LD Flap with implant recon in Jan 2011. That was followed by chemo and rads.


My surgeon did an amazing job and I can wear ‘normal’ bras, swimming cossies and low cut tops without anyone knowing the difference. I haven’t bothered with a nipple.


If you are having rads, implant only recons aren’t usually recomended. My recon was affected by the radiotherapy - over a period of a year or so  it got capsular contraction. This was sorted very easily earlier this year, by removing the capsule of scar tissue and replacing the inplant. More surgery, but much less than going through a delayed recon.


I haven’t regretted my decision. Good luck with yours.

Hello I had 2 breast cancers…13 years apart I was 34 the first time… I had immediate reconstruction at that time I opted not to have radiotherapy as it would have been belt and braces i was advised to keep radiotherapy in reserve in case of local recurrence i never needed it yeah…However I had new bc in other breast I didn’t hesitate to decide have immediate reconstruction again…in fact due to the fact the latest diagnosis was much worse than the first I had to fight for it…I had moved 250 miles away by then and they did things differently here?! Anyway i got my way… very long story? but 3 years later I’m still here!!! I hope it helps…btw where about in the country try are you?