My Mum has had a lumpectomy and a further clearance but unfortunately there are still pre-cancerous cells and they have advised her to have a mastectomy. She is OK about that but she doesn’t know what to do about reconstruction. They have told her about having an implant or having a full reconstruction, either by taking skin from her back or stomach. She is torn between having the implant or the reconstruction by taking skin from the back.
We were almost certain on the implant but then she met with the surgeon yesterday who told her they can be prone to infection and then she would have to have it out. I just wondered if anyone could offer any advice, either if you have had an implant or reconstruction with skin from the back - how recovery was, how you have found it to be after?
I particularly would be interested to know what people felt like and what you could and couldn’t do after having a mastectomy. I am an only child and my parents are divorced and will be caring for Mum after.
Many thanks,
Hi michelle. well i am 61 had a mastectomy last Sept. Unfortuantly is was my second time in left breast. 1st was 1990 had lumpectomy Chemo and rads. All ok . a smudge was picked up at mobile breast screening. Another cancer , because i had rads before could not have again. Was offered back flap. tummy tuck at first then plastic surgeon offered mr expander implant. Not usually offered after you have had a bout of Rads. Easier of 3 so had that. Surgery was no trouble at all no pain afterwards yes you are restricted what you can and cant do for about 13 weeks. I found i could do just about anything within 2 weeks but advise not too.No driving for a month. met 2 girls who were in ward same time as me they are 100% no problems at all.Mobility is good no difference than before. mine was as i had to have 2 expanders put in as muscle so stiff because of original rads.So smaller one at first then had larger size put in weeks before easter.Been today to have saline put in. No problems. Only advise i can give is make sure your mum does her excercises well worth it and keep positive. Vivian
michelle I had an expander in ater my mastectomy in Oct 07 and had the recon implant in Jan this year couldnt have my own tisuue not enough body fat .
I also had the other breast lifted to match bonus just waiting for nipple to finish ne off
I had the expander in at the same time as my mast its not painful just odd ,you have a liitle pipe under your arm where they inject the saline gradually in the clinic to stretch the skin so its big enough to have the expander out and the permanaent implant put in .It takes abit of gettig used to but its worth it in the long run .A bit of discomfort now and then which is to be expected but i dont regret it a bit .If I can help any more just ask will be happy to help and answer any quseytions your mum may have by the way i am 53 how olds your mum xxxxx
Hope this helps Maz