Advice please - dental problem & petrified

Hi All
On TACT II trial and had last epi on 24th De having break before starting xeloda tablets as quite poorly.

Anyway I had slight toothache, happened to mention to bcn who advised in these few days off go to dentist. Wasn’t going to bother as absolutely petrified and made myself go before chemo started for the first time in 8 years (i know very naughty but so hate them…).

Went Friday to be told that have big cavity in wisdom tooth…oh when will this end i asked myself…options to have filling, but dentist said quite difficult to get to it and not much point as tooth useless as not got one on bottom and it is a wierd shape and will probably cause me problems down the line, or it can be taken out local anesthetic done at surgery or if apprehensive (dentists words) can refer me to hosp for general anesthetic.

Spoke to bcn who said treatment should really be done next week as need to get on with xeloda and referral to hosp dentist could take ages so could i be brave and have it done at dentist with local…i dont want to be flipping brave and am so bleedin depressed again, why does everything seem to come at once.

So any ideas, advice ladies you can offer?? A friend mentioned maybe sedation could be done at dentist suregery or maybe diazepan might help, what do any of you think??

Sorry if i sound a wimp but really really scared.
Thanks xx

Your not a wimp -look at what youve been thru! Dentist scares me too -managed to start going regularly and its easier.During my chemo l had my 5 front teeth out-all loose due to chemo apparently -l had some valium before hand-and it was very easy-floated thru it! well worth asking about it.

Thanks welsh lady xx

Hi Blondebird

I am a dental hygienist and work in a dental hospital so may be able to help. First of all, your dentist is right that a wisdom tooth with a big cavity is not worth repairing and is better off coming out. Your nurse is right also that you should get this done before chemo starts so having it done under local anaesthetic is much quicker (and safer) than a general anaesthetic. Sedation in a surgery is very common, however, if you go privately, it is very expensive. Under your circumstances, your dentist could refer you to a dental hospital or NHS unit that does sedation urgently. If you live near one of the big teaching dental hospitals, I am sure they would help. Or, if not, you could have diazepam or something like that before you go. Your GP usually would need to prescribe it and it would take the edge off anxiety. The good news is that a top wisdom tooth is usually quite easy to extract so you wouldn’t be in the surgery for very long, normally.

Thanks very much cathy59 that’s all very helpful

cathy59 is right - I am a dental nurse. it will be ok with the right help, you can do it.

Epi made me depressed - you will recover - good luck my dear.


Thanks Gill xx

Been to dentist this am who is still going for hospital referal though i told him bcn said my tooth needs to be done this week. He said after what i am going through he will do all he can - what a man felt like hugging him - you know that feeling you get when someone seems to just “get” what we are all going through - these people are few and far between in my experience and i so appreciate it when a complete stranger goes “get” it…should hear within next two days if his referal has been successful if not local aesthetic at dental surgery and valium.

Thanks again for all your support xx