Advice please on rads

How long after finishing chemo did your rads start. I have been told that it will be about three weeks after chemo sess ends which will leave me smack inthe middle of Xmas. Not that I am putting my celebrations before my treatments but I have got two girls off school for the jollies and just need to prepare for not being around all day every day.
Thanks to anyone for input.
Missi -x-

Hi Missi

I was due to start rads four weeks after chemo but due to circumstances was able to bring them forward by a week.

Hope that helps.

Poppy x

Hi Missi

It is normally about 4 weeks so the chemo has settled…in some places I have read on here it is like gold dust getting an appointment that may be why yours is earlier, perhaps they had a cancellation.

Depending on where you have to travel, the treatment it self will only take about 10 mins out of your time it takes longer to get undressed and on the couch than the treatment itself and on bank holidays they dont normally administer the treatment.


I waited 6 weeks, as I needed to be hospitalised for Crohn’s treatment. I could have started 3 weeks after chemo. Oncologist was fine about the delay as the gastro said my Crohn’s treatment was urgent. Don’t think a few weeks delay will matter.


Thanks for your responses. Just helps to put things into plan. As if we need a plan in all this. Plus hearing from you has given me the confidence to at least ask direct questions about it on my next chemo.
Thanks again
MIssi -x-

Hi Missi

I was told four weeks after chemo. I am like you and need to be organised. Please don’t forget to build in the possibility that if your white bld count is down on the next scheduled dose of chemo they may defer for a few days. Sorry to put a spanner in the works but this did happen to me and we needed to cancel a holiday.


Hi Ladies,
Beginning to wonder if i should make a fuss as it will be eight and a half weeks between my finishing chemo and starting rads - apparently there is quite a wait at Brighton. Also rather confused as I had assumed my appointments would all be at the same time of day - apparently not, I will be given a time table of my appointments at the planning meeting (which will take place two weeks before the first zapping - again seems rather a long time ) - makes it difficult to organise child care especially as it falls over half term.

Hi Caroline,

I have my last chemo next week and then have my rads planning session on Oct 18th. I think I’m due to start my treatment about 2 weeks later.

If its any consolation to you, I’ve been told that I won’t know what time I’ll be going in the next day until the day before (if that makes sense??). Basically as I leave each day I will be told what time to come in the next day. So one day I could be in at 9, but the following day I may not be in 'til 4. Its crazy!!!

Take care and I hope all goes well,


My oncologist said that there had to be a three week gap between finishing chemo and starting rads to make sure that I was fully recovered (lol). Hospital orginally messed up and had me starting two weeks after my chemo finished but when oncologist heard this she got straight on the phone and insisted they delay by one week

Am starting this monday


Good luck Jools,

do let us know how you get on.



I asked for a gap of about 3 weeks so I could go on holiday before rads started. No problem - I actually got 4 weeks just to be on the safe side!
