Advice please?????

Hi everyyone! I would really appreciate some advice…
I had a skin sparing mastectomy and full ANC last Tuesday and due to be getting my results etc this Wednesday. I don’t know quite to expect from the outcome of the results as my treatment has been sold to me as being firtsly a WLE and SNB, then came the above and I’m due to start my chemo in the next couple of weeks. What sort of things will I be told on Wednesday and how will these results affect my treatment? I’m not sure as to what the consultant will have been testing for…presume its the amount of nodes that were positive???
I’m doing okay after surgery really, I was discharged the day after the op and I’m just starting to feel like I’m back in the real world at alst! The numbness and tingling down the back of my arm are taking some getting used to and I’m overwhelmed by the tiredness that I feel. The thing that has kept me going is that its clear cut from this point on… horrible chemo, radio and then Tamoxifen but am I right in thinking that the tissue and nodes that were taked out of me last week could change things?


Hi Sausage,

I had a skin sparing mastectomy and ANC on the 22nd Sept and went for my results last thursday. I posted about this on this topic under - “what will they tell me today” the day of my results and had some useful answers. I myself was told the size of the lump, how many nodes they took (9) and that 1 of them had micro metastases in them and that it was confirmed grade 1. They said that it was basically good news. I had no idea prior to the appt what other treatment I would need and was told I was likely to have chemo and so am now awaiting my appt with the oncologist to discuss treatment plan. It was only afterwards that I thought I should have asked for a copy of my path report so that I could look at it more in depth re lymphatic involvement, hormone stuff etc before I see the oncologist so that is being sent in the post to me today.

I’m not being much help I’m afraid but all I can say is you will get results re nodes and tissue and the results could change things but the surgeon will only be able to give you an idea, its the oncologist who will decide a treatment plan with you.

Best of luck for Weds, x

Hi Sausage

I am sure you will continue to receive plenty of support and advice from our many forum users, but in the meantime you may find one of our publications a useful read. I have given the link here to the booklet called ‘Understanding your Pathology Report’ which may help you to understand more about your results:

Please do call our helpline if you feel it would help to talk things over with someone in confidence at any time, the line is open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm and Sat 9am-2pm on 0808 800 6000.

Best wishes

Hi Ostrich,
Many thanks for your advice. That’s a great idea to ask for a copy of your path report, I’ll remember to ask that one!.
Hope you’re okay and I’ll keep you posted.

