advice please

hello all

ive just had my 3rd fec
had a really hard time of them,severe sickness etc
really struggling to go back each time

so my next lot before xmas will be the start of 3 x tax
ive heard so many stories im really scared

will it really be worse than the fec i cant imagine anything worse than ive had
im seriously thinking of not having anymore

i know everyone is different and some have sailed through fec
id just like to know what to expect and when as its just before xmas and im on my own with a child

with the fec within 2 hrs of being home for fec im heaving all night and dont get out of bed for 3 days


I’m a year ahead of you and would have to say that no matter how bad you feel at the time,the treatment is worth it.I have a(very)full head of hair and have almost forgotten how horrid I felt during chemo/rads.This site is the best place for good honest advice and also for having a real moan if you feel like it.Good Luck with the treament!

Hi there
I would like to send you a big virtual cyber hug, and hope that you pick up really soon…
I am due to start 3 xFEC followed by 3 xTAX, I am absolutely petrified to be honest. BUT as people keep reminding me, think of how it is destroying all that nasty stuff in your body.
For me i know it will be hard with little children, but one day you will look back at all of this, when you are well and enjoying life, and think to yourself,thankgod i did it.

All the vert best…
Nasreen x

Hey Lincs Lady

I’ve finished 4x FEC, which was just awful for me with 11 days of nausea & horrible fatigue! I was ill from around 2 hours after treatment & actually started feeling sick before I went for Chemo!! I really didn’t think I would be able to drag myself back into the onc unit!
After the horrible time I had with FEC I was really nervous about starting TAX, but I have to say that it has actually been much easier for me so far!!

I had my first Taxotere last Thursday & so far the only side effects are that my taste buds have gone & I have a little bit of lower back pain & achey ribs…along with some fatigue. It’s not pleasant, but it’s really not that bad…no nausea at all! WOOHOO!! The side effects this time are more of a nuisance rather than the complete nightmare I had with FEC.

Usually my onc unit don’t prescribe painkillers on the first cycle, but I asked for them as I have stuff on I don’t want to miss out on because of treatment. They were fab & prescribed 10 days worth of Gabapentin for me, which I’m assuming have made the difference. I’ve heard of people not being able to walk & being in huge amounts of pain!..EEK!..didn’t fancy that!..thankfully I haven’t experienced anything like that…yet!!

With you having your first dose close to Christmas (my next one is Xmas Eve…YAH!) I would probably ask for painkillers up front…I don’t see the sense in suffering when they can give you meds! I’ll defo be asking for some more so I can enjoy Christmas as much as I can with my family (I have 3 young kids)…OOh & the Next sales on Boxing Day! LOL

Good Luck & Hope TAX is kinder to you too!

Hazel xx

I had my first FEC on Monday morning and by 3pm was throwing up. Despite 3 injections of anti-sickness the sickness carried on until I was taken into A & E and put on fluids and IV anti-sickness drugs.

I ended up having to stay in for 2 nights. I am home now but feel washed out and like I am on another planet.

The doctors have said my drugs will be changed for next time. I hope it works as I don’t want to put my family through that again.

hi there
thanks for the replys
cmw- that happened to me too the 1st time and i said i wasnt going again
they did change the anti sickness drugs and they about halved the side effects for the following fec’s
i was still sick but not as much and didnt need hospital again and i was up and about in a week where as the 1st one i was in bed a fortnight

Hi,I had 4xfec,4xTax. I didn’t have any problems with the tax. I did get more and more tired on it but that could have been because I’d already had 4xfec! I wasn’t nauseas and the mouth ulcers I had on fec cleared up. Hopfully it will be the same for you,Josie xx