Advice - please!!


Can anyone advice.

I have been told that I will have Taxotere alongside Herceptin!

Has anyone else experienced this or going through this?



Hi Mel

Haven’t experienced it yet - I’ve just finished fec, and have to have 20 sessions of rads next - but after that I have to have Tax alongside Herceptin -as I understand it at the moment I will have 2 x Tax, then 2 x Tax & herceptin, followed by 15 herceptin - so I will be interested in any responses too !

take care


Hi Mel/Margaret

I have had just finished 3 lots of Tax and had 2 herceptin along side this. Nothing to worry about and had no additional side effects. Will be having another year of herceptin which will be done at home from now on.

One tip is take 2 paracetamol about an hour before your herceptin, can bring on runny nose etc and so far touch wood have been ok, but i’ve only had 2 so watch this space. Hope this helps.

Take care and sending hugs
Mel x x x

Thanks for that Mel - my herceptin is also being done at home (apart from the first 2)

My main worry initially was that giving them together, if i had any reaction, how would they know which one had caused it - then I realised that the first 2 tax are single - so if i have a reaction on the 3rd it was the herceptin - duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lol

Will take note about the paracetamol - thanks

Margaret x

Hi Mel and Margaret

I had 6 lots of chemo starting with FEC. My herceptin was then started alongside the taxotere. I had 3 lots of taxotere together with herceptin and when I finished that I started having herceptin on its own every 3 weeks. I’ve still got about 8 months worth of herceptin left. I did find the taxotere hard as it really wiped me out for the first 3-4 days but it is doable. Everybody has different side effects from the treatment and my body did recover pretty quickly.

Good luck to you both.

Ruby xx

Hi mel,
I am having Tax and Herceptin together.
My treatment plan is =
Herceptin weekly.
Tax 3 weekly (with Herceptin).

So far I have had 2 Tax with 2 left to go,

Your not alone.

Jackie xxxx

Hi Mel

I have finished Heceptin but had the first three along side Taxotare. The reason they give it together is that this has shown to enhance the uptake of the chemo, so the chemo works better. It can not be given with FEC as FEC affects the heart.


Thanks guys
It is sad their are so many of us but also alittle comforting to know that I am not alone…

Dear Mel
You are so NOT alone. We’re all in this together and you will get through this.
Big hugs
Ruby xx

Hi Mel

I had 4xFEC then 4xTaxotere starting with 18xHerceptin, 2 years ago today,

When I had first Tax and Herceptin I had them 1 day apart and was monitored for 2 hours, no reaction so together thereafter.
